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I just met you
Yet I'm feeling
It seems that somehow
we met somewhere before
I think I loved you
In my dreams 100 times or maybe more
What a connection
I just can't conceal it
There's a kind of magic in the air
Ooh, I can feel it
Something special
Is gonna happen tonight
I want you to know that
Something special
Is gonna happen tonight
I promise I'll be good to you
What a connection
I just can't conceal it
There's a kind of magic in the air
Ooh, I can feel it
Something special
Is gonna happen tonight
I want you to know that
Something special
Is gonna happen tonight
I promise I'll be good to you
Something special
Is gonna happen tonight
Oh! All right. That's it.
- What's the matter, Marie? What happened?
- She tried to kill me.
- Well, isn't that the point?
- No, Lauren.
This is theatrical fencing.
This isn't an autopsy. All right?
All right.
Damn it! I don't even know
why we have to do this.
If you want to do Shakespeare,
Shakespearean people have duels.
- Not the women.
- It's my ambition to play Hamlet.
Oh, that'll pack 'em in the aisles.
Good. Lauren.
- Lauren.
- Hi, George.
- Have dinner with me tonight.
- What?
- Say, "Yes."
- George.
- Say, "Yes."
- Why are you acting like this?
Because I wanna be with you.
Well, that's nice.
This is so funny, George.
I thought you were gay.
Oh, I am. It's just, I play
so many heterosexual roles...
I feel I really need to
do some serious research.
And just when you think
there's no greater depth...
to which an actor could possibly sink.
- That's nothin'. Remember Fred?
- Fred.
I've got a 50 percent
hearing loss in this ear...
from him yelling "Stella" in bed.
I tell ya, I swore
off actors a year ago.
I said if that's the only
subspecies of men available...
I'd rather not date at all.
And I haven't. But
there are other things.
My work, I perfect my craft.
L... Kor... Korzenowski!
- Yeah.
- He's taking students.
- Hey, but where you gonna get that kind of money?
- L...
I gotta use that phone.
Come on. You're up.
Who is it?
It's your sister-in-law. Hurry
up. My feet are falling off.
Well, hi, Shirley.
I'm glad you finally...
Wait a minute.
Get in front of the camera.
- I knew it.
- Come on, Mom. Let me in.
No, we can't afford it.
Mom, please.
- Is that my baby?
- Daddy!
Yes, but she can't come
in. She wants a loan.
Daddy, can I come in, please?
Please, please, please,
please, please, Daddy? Daddy?
- Daniel, what are you doing?
- Oh, yes.
- You don't know she wants money.
- Of course she does.
- You don't know that.
- That's right, Mom.
Can't I just drop in to see my parents?
Okay, I need $5,000.
- But it's to study with Korzenowski. -
$5,000. - She might have a good reason.
- Daddy! Stanislav Korzenowski.
- $5,000, Daniel.
- I'll pay you back.
- What did you say?
- What was that?
- I know I owe you some money.
- You owe us $3 2,000.
But it's the Korzenowski.
Lauren, we sent you to Yale
and London and the institute.
You have been at this acting thing for
years, and you haven't earned a dime.
You are still working as a salesgirl!
- Honey, face it. Maybe it's time for you to give it up.
- Daddy.
- Daniel. Hey, what did you
do? - Oh. Oh, Daddy. - Nothing.
- You gave her that money? - Oh, Daddy.
- I cannot believe that you did that.
- She is our only child. - Oh. Oh, Daddy!
- I can't believe it. She is sucking us dry.
- $5,000. Thank you, Daddy!
- She isn't. Well, I just got another bill from Bloomingdale's.
- Oh, thank you.
- Drop that now. Don't you dare start talking about that.
Give me back my fuckin' quarter! Damn!
Well, good luck.
I'm Lauren Ames.
There's my application,
your board, your pen.
- Thank you.
- And my down payment.
Keep that for now. You
still have to audition.
- Right.
- Sit down. Mr Korzenowski will call you.
Thank you.
You nervous? Sorry. I'm sorry.
- I mean, I'm
Превратности судьбы

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