Yankee nine-niner, what are your coordinates? 0-2-0. Flight level 1-5. Above release point echo bravo one. Move in and check it out. Roger. Moving in. Food riot in progress. Approximately 1500 civilians. No weapons evident. Proceed with plan alpha. Eliminate anything moving. The crowd is unarmed. There are lots of women and children. All they want is food! Proceed with plan alpha. All rioters must be eliminated. The hell with you! I will not fire on helpless people. Abort mission. Return back to base. Lieutenant Saunders, take command. Detain Richards. Proceed as ordered. Richards, what are you doing? AAah! Damn it! We're pitching over! Ah! I got it. I got control. He said detain him. Don't drop him. Ah! Richards, you're going to fry for this. I'll see you in hell. Come on, keep digging. What's the holdup? This one's had it. Watch the detonator. Get that garbage out of here. Move! Did you see The Running Man last night? I never miss it. I won 500 bucks. Work crew coming through. Prisoner transfer to post. Ok, hang on. Lenny, this is perimeter. Shut down the deadline. Affirmative. shutting down now. Access code pending. Verify perimeter deactivated. Sonic deadline is down. OK, move it. Move it. Let's go, let's go. Get out the lead or lose your head. East perimeter here. New prisoners are all in compound. We're clear. Affirmative. Activating deadline. What are you looking at? Get out of here! Sonic deadline is up. Sonic deadline is up. Prisoner restraint Collars armed. Prisoner restraint Collars armed. Yeah! Yeah! Give you a lift? Get it open! Repeat the codes. I did. 653. It's not working! You're hell of an actor, Laughlin. Who was acting? You're still alive, aren't you? Repeat that code. Weiss, what's the holdup? Come on! The linking computer is denying the code. Must be the walls in here are blocking the signal. We try it outside. Let's go! come on! Get out of the way! Open the gates! Go ahead, do it. Shut off the deadline, or we all lose our heads. The system's blocked. Must be a lock-out. Damn! Perimeter deactivated. Perimeter deactivated. All right! All right! Chico! Amigo! Chico! Come back! The deadline's still up. He's not going to make it. That collar's going to blow. Chico! Sonic deadline. Sonic deadline. Prisoner restraint collars armed. Prisoner restraint collars armed. Perimeter deactivated. Perimeter deactivated. Perimeter deactivated. Perimeter deactivated. Perimeter deactivated. Zone passes are required at all times. Display passes properly. All interzone workers with day passes are reminded that curfew begins at midnight. Anyone without a valid zone card after midnight will be permanently detained. Cadre kids, Don't forget October is bonus recruitment month. Earn a double bonus for reporting a family member. ICS, your entertainment and information network, reminds you, seeing is believing. What's the number one television show in the whole wide world? The Running Man! Yes! Yes, it's The Running Man. 400 square blocks of Danger, destruction... Psst! You want to buy a hot stereo? Stevie. Glad you guys made it. ...unstoppable network stalkers give criminals, traitors, and enemies of the state exactly what they deserve. Sundays, 8:00 to 11:00 on ICS channel 1. Produced in cooperation with the Department of Justice, All rights reserved. The Running Man, America's favorite game show. A child, your child- happy, loving, caring... do you believe this? 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. Don't listen to it. The network shuts down the schools. The kids are brainwashed By the TV. We can jam the network Once we find the satellite uplink. We'll broadcast the truth. Truth? Hasn't been popular lately. Can't find the code or the uplink Don't know where The network hid something that big. [beeping] Steve, would you
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