Excuse me, can you tell me this, where Delmare Berry lives? He ain't here. Go on inside, baby. He's a friend of mine... Well in fact, he wrote his address down... right here. Here. You can see that's Delmare's writing. I sure had a hard time finding this place! - That's his writin'. - Like I said, he's a friend. My name is John Rambo. We served on the same team together in Nam. I don't know if he ever talked about me... I've got a picture of us together. Somewhere... This junk in my pocket! Here... here it is. That's me, that's Danforth, Westmore, Bronson, Ortega, and there's Delmare, right in the back. We had to put him in the back because he's so big, if we didn't, he'd take up the whole picture! Delmare's gone. - What time will he be back? - He died. What? Died last summer. Died how? Cancer. Brought it back from Nam. All that orange stuff they spread it around. Cut him down to nothing. I couldn't lift him off the sheet. I'm very sorry. Morning Amy! How are you doing, girls? - Great, thanks. - Alright this morning? - Andy! - Howdy, Will! - Good morning, Dave! - Hi, Sheriff! Gonna take a bath this week?! Morning! You... you visiting someone around here? No. You know, wearing that flag on that jacket, looking the way you do... you're askin' for trouble around here, friend! - Headed North or South? - North. Jump in, I'll make sure you head in the right direction, huh! - Where you heading? - Portland. Portland is South, you said you were headed North. You got some place I can eat around here? There's a diner about 30 miles up the highway. Is there a law against me getting something to eat here? Yeah, me. Why are you pushin' me? What did you say? I said why are you pushing me, I haven't done anything to you. First of all, you don't ask the questions around here, I do. Understand? Secondly... we don't want guys like you in this town. Drifters. First thing you know we got a whole bunch of guys like you in this town. That's why! Besides, you wouldn't like it here... It's a quiet little town. In fact, you might say it's boring! But that's the way we like it. And I get paid to keep it that way. Boring... Portland, straight ahead! If you want some friendly advice... Get your hair cut and take a bath. You wouldn't get hassled so much! Hope this ride helped you out! Have a nice day, huh! Where the hell do you think you're going? Hey, I'm talkin' to you, goddammit! Let's see some I.D.! All right, you're under arrest! You hear me? You put your hands on the car. Now you put your hands on the car, and you spread'em. Are you gonna put your hands on that car? How you do it, you decide, right now! Put your legs back. Back! You try to be nice to some people! Well, what do we have here, huh? What would you be carrying a knife like this? Hunting. Don't be a wise guy! What do you hunt with a knife? Name it. - Hi, Will. - Lester. Harry, buzz us in, will ya? Hey, talk about your sorry looking humanity! Just another smartass drifter. - Morning, Arthur. - Morning, Will. What do you got? I want you to book this gentleman for vagrancy, resisting arrest, carrying a concealed weapon. He says he uses it for hunting. Huntin'? What do you hunt, elephants? See if you can clean him up a little. He smells like an animal! Hey, Mitch... Mitch! Yo! Escort this young man downstairs. Yes, sir. Right this way, partner. Right here. That's it. OK, here we go. You know, it looks like it'll take old Leroy about 10 years to paint this hall! Why don't you paint it your damned self? Come on Leroy, sling that paint, boy! Mr. Ward! Would you take this for me, please? Name? Your name? Your name! Name! Hey... you're lookin' to trouble? You came at the right place, buddy! Oh, wait a second. You got three seconds before I break your face in! He means it. Yeah, I do. What do you know about that? Old Harry here is a soldier! ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Джуниор на английском - текст ...инг на английском - текст Стальной рассвет на английском - текст Кто расскажет небылицу на английском - текст День Сурка на английском |