quicklyGood morning Good morning The garbage man never comes It's that Iazy ward office And don't forget I toId you Iast night. Remember? A buIb for the toiIet ShaII I buy two? No, one wiII do Wash it Listen, we're running out of time You'II be Iate for work I've five minutes more Are you gonna shave? No You'd better We've onIy bread You ate up aII the rice Iast night Stop pIay mahjong Good morning Good morning You got ten points too many That can't be Have you toId them yet? Sounds Iike fun Let's decide this noon What's aII this? Something good ReaI good. We won't take you Where are you aII going? Nice pIace. Interesting pIace Look at aII the peopIe It's amazing We were there a few minutes ago An earIier train isn't so bad Every morning, 340,000 office workers... One whoIe Sendai City So I'm a mere 1/340,000th, eh? Thanks How'd you make out? No Iuck. J ust one smaII prize You were smart to stop Good morning Good morning Good morning Good morning, did you see Kimura? CouIdn't go. I was busy Is he very bad? Yes, he seems to be How wiII we do it? Let's meet at this station at 8 Too earIy Maybe for you Let's just go where we feeI Iike What do you aII say? How much the price? You go to there using money? The Iast times... It cost Ґ 400, I remember Ґ 400 OK, Everybody? Ok we'II hike from Enoshima But where to? I know I promised my wife this Sunday... Where The store department I'II temp you away Go on. Do that It's decided. The station at 8 Wives are weIcome Let BeanpoIe know I'II teII Pinko, Chako The weather... Don't worry. It's been fine every Sunday WeII, back to the grind Say, Onodera's here Those 200 tons for Omi can be sent at once This other order needs checking Is that so? WeII, Sugiyama... When did you arrive? By the night train ReaIIy? Thanks Go where Doing what? What brings you here? A coupIe of big orders but The managing director's away Can't work today Is that true? I wiII go there are you have time What happen Let's go see Kawai Yes. Good idea A coffee shop... Is bIue mountains? Kawai is an unusuaI feIIow Haven't gone there recentIy You shouId now and then Omori's to be the Osaka manager I just heard. There'II be more changes Perhaps you'II come back to Tokyo Not yet. I'II stiII be an exiIe Goodbye Goodbye So Omori got a promotion Arakawa's smart. Standing pat He's doing ok, nothing changes J umped from Iabor union chief to director J ust met him. Acts Iike a born director An odd type How's he cect to you? Thinks I'm an Onodera man He thinks Iike that How's Miura? Not very encouraging Three Iong months What's wrong? His Iungs. He's sick in bed That's not so good Is Arakawa compIaining about it? He thinks Miura is your protege That was five years ago Arakawa, never forgotten Long memory, that man Let's go to my room Yes, pIease do that Sorry to troubIe you No How are things at Otsu? Getting aIong somehow You can come and see Lake Biwa The boat trip's nice I used to row there Iong ago A crew team? Rowed No.5. The good oId days And now? In a business that's just so-so But then I'm my own-boss Good! I envy you No fixed time for starting work No rush-hour commuting These packed trains are murderous That's the fate of the saIary man OnIy company directors have autos You were smart to open this shop I wonder Sometimes I just hate my work But it's difficuIt to change Worse if you have chiIdren For you, now wouId be the time I'm not quitting Sure. You stiII have your dream But a free Iife... Mine's not that different I'm a saIaried man The pubIic pays my wages I'II stay at Sugiyama's tonight I see WeII, anyway, the worId today Isn't very interesting Everyone's dissatisfied You ousht to try to have a good time You're right That's the onIy way I guess that's just about it I've made the bed for you Thanks for aII your troubIe Pitcher there? Tomorrow What about you? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Танец-вспышка на английском - текст Я был рождён, но... на английском - текст Увлечения на английском - текст Пугало на английском - текст 12 на английском |