"Seek the truth not in the mundane details of daily life, but in the essence of life itself." B. Tosia "Members of the jury..." "... for three days..." "... you have listened carefully to..." "... gravity of the crime..." "... the defendant receive" "the maximum..." "... prosecution's request that" "the defendant..." "You are aware of the..." "Members of the jury..." "... stand the gravity..." "... to the testimony..." "If you agree with the prosecution..." "... you must return a" "verdict of "guilty"..." "... or not..." "For 1000 years..." "... the Russian people gave" "so much so that..." "... on these broad expanses" "different nations were..." "... united under the banner" "of this federation..." "... find reasonable doubt..." "... criminal code..." "... must return a verdict..." "... now deliberate in private..." "... not limited by time..." "You are aware of the" "prosecution's request..." "... that the defendant receive" "the maximum penalty allowed..." "... deliberate and decide..." "... if the defendant is guilty or not" "... that the defendant receive" "the maximum..." "... penalty allowed by law..." "... that your decision must be unanimous..." "... unanimous" "I do not have words to describe" "my state of mind..." "... in these moments..." "... maximum penalty allowed..." "... details of the case..." "If you find reasonable doubt..." "... the defendant receive" "the maximum penalty..." "... you must return" "a verdict of "not guilty"..." "I remind you that" "your decision must be..." "... you must return a verdict of "guilty" "... maximum penalty..." "... where you must decide..." "... case-related materials..." "... I repeat: The jury may request..." "If you find reasonable doubt..." PEACE, LABOR, HAPPINESS!. GLORY TO THE PEOPLE'S RADIANT FUTURE Mama! Speak Russian! Speak Russian, Mama! Speak Russian, Mama! Speak Russian, Mama! Court is adjourned until the jury reaches a verdict. All rise please. Hello? Hungry, dad? So far everything's fine. Yes. Those photographs I showed the judge, can I take them? I don't know. - Do I have to stay here? - Yes. - But I told them everything. - That's how it works. - OK, gentlemen... - That's crazy. Please follow me. Hurry, please, it's almost recess. - What recess? - You'll see. Please keep up. Follow me. This way, please. Let's go. As you see, the work's not finished. The jury room's not ready, either. This way... Remodeling makes it hard to work. No matter, your case is simple. You'll be done in 20 minutes. Now we're in the adjoining school building, they lend us space. A school by a courthouse causes problems. Imagine the spring, the windows open... ...a ball flies in and hits a witness on the head An elderly woman, out cold. During the school vacation it was fine... ...we used the classrooms... Oops, we're too late. Children! Children! Oh, Lord. Children. Children! Children, please. Now we turn left. This way, everyone this way. Some working conditions! But it's just temporary. They'll finish and it'll be pretty as a picture. One silly formality. You'll have to give me your phones, I'm afraid. I'll keep my SIM, it's important. Hello, Vasia. My phone'll be off for 90 minutes. Tell the boss it's my civic duty. I'll be right here. If you need me for any reason... ...there's a communication system. Here it is. This is my little "know-how". That means "invention". I took it from my son's model train set. It really works. Watch, everyone. Push the button. That's awful. You keep this. And if you need me, for the slightest reason, call me... and I'll bring whatever you require or desire. Here's where you'll be meeting. All the amenities. Go ahead. Go ahead. Hands... - They put us in a gym? - The jury room's not ready. Anyone know how long it takes to get to Kursk station? In weather like this. At least an hour and a half. Maybe a ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Зелёный слоник на английском - текст Снежная королева на английском - текст Листопад на английском - текст Малыш и Карлсон на английском - текст Молох на английском |