KrylatovUSSR State Television and Radio Committee Odessa film studio GSC Good Services Center Happy New Year! Moscow music instruments factory Mr. P. Amatin -May l? -Take a seat. Listen to that! The sound of our products. Well, what is it? l wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. And say good-bye. Oh, no you don't: the working day isn't over yet. But l've told you: my fiancee is arriving from Kitezhgrad. Kitezhgrad? Never heard of it. You know, Kitezhgrad... The city they raised from underwater not long ago. -Your fiancee, is she beautiful? -More than that! -Who is she? -A lady-wizard, a witch. A fiancee and already a witch? lt's her line ofwork. Magic in the service sector. You're a courageous man, lvan Pukhov. -Why is that? -A wife who's a witch... That's, you know... -Anyway, congratulations. -Thank you. The things they make up to leave work early before the holidays. Wizards! WlZARDS Starring Alexandra Yakovleva Alexander Abdulov Ekaterina Vasilyeva Valentin Gaft Valery Zolotukhin Emmanuel Vitorgan Mikhail Svetin Roman Filippov Anya Ashimova Semion Farada and others KlTEZHGRAD Stop at passengers' request WOWl World-of-Wonders lnstitute for lncredible Services Wow-wee! The people that must be working here! The questions they must be dealing with! Who put this question here? lt was in the storeroom with all the other letters. Take it down. Happy New Year? WOWl! All questions must be raised appropriately, in a timely manner. This one - on that wall. What is your contribution to science! Read it later. They'll start appearing soon. They're ticking. Excellent! lt's today or never! l suggest running the MW trials at 10 sharp. All academic council Members must be there. -Do we invite the wise cat? -Where is his translator? Here l am. -Has the cat started talking? -He's trying. Second year l hear this. We put the cat on the council so he might practice. But he's lazy. That's no way to behave! All institutes doing research ln our field have talking animals: donkeys, chimps, parrots. -But he's not a parrot! -You have three days. Better start talking in two. l draw your attention to the MW's design. lt must reflect its contents, unobtrusively. lt must be simple, but tasteful. As my deputy in charge of research, you will help Alyona. Excuse me, but we must talk. Don't be so obstinate, talk. You have two days! Kira, we must talk Right here? Come to my office. No, phones everywhere, can't stand the sight ofthem. Written request For the seventh time l ask you to be my wife. For the seventh time l agree. When l have the time. -ls that all? -No. -What is it you want? -l want it to be certain. With rings and formalities, like it is with normal people. Today's a very impor All your days are important. As soon as the trials are over. -Tomorrow then? -Yes. -Promise? -lf all goes well. Alyona, may l congratulate you. -The trials will go well. -l hope so. May l ask you out to lunch? Just a friendly lunch for two, with champaign. l'm not having lunch today. l'm on a diet! A diet! What a lady! A ravishing beauty, a dream! One must take care of her! Please, accept this - for your lunch with the lady. And this, too. What's all this? Who are you? l'm a guest, a special guest. A guest from the sunny South, with an order. You look a little odd here. Me? Odd? Take a look at this. Stamped five times! An order for one Magic Wand. For the whole sunny South! ls that asking too much? You're early, mister, there's no Magic Wand yet. No wand? But how? The Magic Wand is not ready yet. They are working on its design. Magic Wood Shop No entry! Creative search in progress! Maybe, you threw it up there? Where's the drawing? Alyona didn't leave anything. Must have been in a hurry. Where to? She's at work. Made a sign with her little finger, and was gone. She must have left it here. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Непосредственный мальчуган на английском - текст Весь этот джаз на английском - текст Величайшее ограбление поезда на английском - текст Агнец божий на английском - текст ...И правосудие для всех на английском |