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your coat!
lvan Pukhov?
A wire for you.
Arrival delayed,
is under a magic spell.
-That's nonsense.
-Maybe, it's a joke?
And what if it isn't?
ls it possible to cast
a magic spell for real?
Anything is possible,
ifyou really want it.
Where do l go now?
The train station?
-Mr. Pukhov?
The car is waiting.
-Hurry up, or you'll be late.
To the station.
Your train leaves in 40 minutes.
That's it! Thank you.
Go home.
Mom will get worked up.
l'll see you to the train-car.
Vanya! What ifyou won't get
a ticket?
Mr. Pukhov
is urgently asked to come to
train-car No. 13.
Vanya! Where are you going?
This is train-car No. 13.
lf l'm not mistaken,
you're Mr. Pukhov.
-How do you know me?
-We're expecting you.
They notified us.
As soon as the train starts,
l'll bring you some hot tea.
Nina! Go home!
l'm going, l'm going!
-Please, clear the compartment.
-ls something wrong?
We have our tickets!
This gentleman is from
the lncredible service.
What do we do now?
-No way to treat people.
l repeat: he is
from the lncredible service.
So it's in your interest
to go quickly...
-Was that necessary?!
-Take a seat, please.
Why did you do that? One bunk
is enough for me.
Actually, l don't know why
l did it either.
lt's been authorized!
To the person who finds me!
l'll come to you
no matter what.
She's still in love
when asleep.
Vanechka, darling.
-We must tell Kovrov.
-By all means.
-Drinking again?
-Not a drop.
l was waiting for you.
-So, how did it go?
-He's coming.
Let me give you
some relief.
-Hard work, huh?
-Hard is not the word.
Hypnotizing taxi drivers,
conductors, musicians -
l nearly died.
They don't make people like
they used to.
-What about the musicians?
-They were the worst.
Couldn't you persuade them
to come here?
We could have solved
the pop group issue.
Everyone knows what to do.
That's enough, l'm better!
We should talk to
lt's all so sudden,
and with no information
he can do something rash!
-When do we talk to him?
-Right now.
-This very minute.
-That would be great!
Why are you giving me
that look, Vitenka?
Just reckoning,
Well, you go on reckoning,
while l'll go home.
l must have left
my key in the door.
Open the door.
Talk to lvan -
and you can go strait to bed.
Talk to him yourself. You're
the magician, you're paid more.
Only our accountants
know that.
What we need here is
simple, everyday magic.
You're much better at it
than l am.
You're going to his train-car.
But they'll think l'm
a train thief,
l'll get arrested, beaten up.
lmagine: wood-goblins,
and you'll be a train-goblin.
How can you do this to me?
Don't do it, please.
Well, good luck to you.
-What about my shoes?!
Forgive me, they fell down
by accident.
-Who are you?
-l'm a train-goblin.
Ever heard ofwood-goblins,
Well, l'm a train-goblin.
ln view ofthe circumstances.
Be careful!
l'm very careful.
Well, hello.
Just don't touch,
please, don't.
l'm here on business.
-You're lvan Pukhov, right?
-As a mater offact, l am.
Have you received the wire
about Alyona?
Yes, l have.
lt said she was under
a magic spell.
Can you explain that?
A spell is when you
are turned into some object.
Say, a log
or a goat.
Any magic manual will tell
you that.
But that's not interesting.
The practice has nearly
been abandoned.
lnstead, ifyou are left
your own appearance,
but spring and all that
is taken from your heart
and replaced with
freezing winter,
that is what we call
real magic.
One is turned into
a different person,
who understands everything,
but sees it differently.
You will find Alyona
a different person.
Who could have done
such an awful thing to her?
That's not the point. The point
is how do we lift the spell.
The point is both -
who and how!
How do we lift the spell?
Every evil spell
Чародеи Чародеи

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- текст В порту на английском
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- текст Они сражались за Родину на английском
- текст Одно безумное лето на английском
- текст Завещание профессора Доуэля на английском

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