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not drink
that water! Don't drink it!
The people who venture
to drink witch's water,
Forget everything
they were ever fond of.
Then when they come back
to the river bank
The goats always greet them
''Here comes one of us!''
ln the heat or cold,
Stay clear of all evil,
Don't ever drink water
from that damned river!
Nettles and burdocks
Hide it from the sun,
Better not drink
that water! Don't drink it!
ln the heat or cold,
Stay clear of all evil,
Don't ever drink water
from that damned river!
Nettles and burdocks
Hide it from the sun,
Better not drink
that water!
Don't drink it!
Ok: you'll go
to see Alyona.
But you have to learn
one magic trick.
-Still willing to try it?
-l'll go to the library.
Are you willing to meet
all of my terms?
l'm ready.
Then sign this.
l, the undersigned,
am ready to...
We won't seal it with blood,
ink is more reliable.
And now you can kiss
my hand.
Since my old man,
who is not yet young,
behaved so well
and was not stubborn,
we'll announce our engagement
at the ball tomorrow.
lfwe do the impossible,
of course.
To go through a wall
you need three things:
see your aim, believe in
yourself, disregard obstacles.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Don't rush: l'll show you how.
You got it?
-l can show it again.
-No, l'll try myself.
Don't storm the wall, it's not
an assault operation.
-Do you see your aim?
-l see it.
-Do you believe in yourself?
-l do.
-You're just tired.
-l can't make it through!
He'll either kill or
injure himself.
l'll have to sacrifice myself.
l'll ask Alyona is she needs
a servant for today.
Lately she's grown to like
having servants.
l'm afraid she's turn
me into dust.
Don't worry: we'll restore you.
We won't lock the door,
and will signal you
through the window.
Remember, your Alyona lives
in her sleep.
But if she wakes up,
you're in for trouble.
''Tale ofthe Hunch-back horse''
The Czar asked to be disrobed,
Crossed himselftwice,
Jumped into the boiler,
where he was cooked.
Crossed himselftwice,
Jumped into the boiler,
where he was cooked!
Let's see, burns...
Where so they have it?
First degree burn - reddening
ofthe skin. l have it.
Second degree burn - blisters
are formed.
Third degree - necrosis
ofthe skin,
and charring.
And was cooked.
That's it!
l think l found the way.
-Well, l'll be going.
-Wait, wait a minute.
-They haven't signaled us yet.
-No, l'm going.
And remember: you don't
kiss her, she must kiss you.
That's indispensable.
Now go.
-ls she asleep?
-Yes, be quiet.
-My Alyonushka.
-Wish him good luck.
-Let's hold our fists for him.
One, two, three!
Good luck to him!
My poor girl!
l feel awful,
my dear lvanushka.
Something happened to me,
l'm not myself.
Try not to think about it.
lt's the spell.
lt will go away.
lt will go away!
-And you won't go away?
-No, l won't.
l know, you'll go away, now
you appear only in my dreams.
lvanushka doesn't love
his Alyonushka any more.
That's not true! l love you
even more now.
What a beautiful dream!
Kiss me.
You'll wake up and everything
will be as it was before.
No, l'm afraid.
l'm afraid to wake up.
But you've never been
afraid of anything.
Now l'm afraid.
Afraid of myself.
Remember the first time
you kissed me?
-We were dancing.
Dancing to such a lovely
And you came up with the words.
But you kissed me
l was too timid.
Kiss me like you did that time.
No, l can't.
Better sing to me, Vanya,
like you did that time.
this whole world,
our huge world,
lmagine as it is
in real life.
With the fields and the birds,
The flowers and the threes,
But without love,
A world without love.
There would be oceans,
clouds and cities,
But no one would ever
have heard of love.
At nights the starts would
still light up the skies,
ln the morning the sun
would shine from above,
Чародеи Чародеи

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- текст Том Джонс на английском

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