That's it I'm turning back. I know your family's waiting. I know it's an important day. All right. We'll give it a try. I'll set short coordinates we won't jump far. I'll get you back there in time, pal. Trust me. Our only hope now, is to outrun that Imperial garbage scow, tho'. I'm going to lightspeed. That's the spirit! You'll be celebrating Life Day before you know it! Standby, here's where we say goodbye to our unpleasant friends. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL Starring Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. with Anthony Daniels as C-3PO. Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca. R2-D2 as R2-D2. And, James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. Introducing Chewbacca's family, His wife, Malla. His father, Itchy. His son, Lumpy. With special guest stars Beatrice Arthur. Art Carney. Diahann Carroll. The Jefferson Starship. Harvey Korman. And an animated Star Wars story on... The Star Wars Holiday Special. YOU HAVE REACHED TRAFFIC CONTROL NO STARSHIPS IN AREA What's that? Oh, Artoo, look. It's Chewbacca's family. Here, keep working on it. Hello Malla, Itchy. Hiya Lumpy. Where's Chewbacca? Whoa, wait a minute! One at a time. Yeah... Not now, Artoo. Uh, wait a minute, I don't like the looks of this. Let me get this fixed. Oh, Artoo, you're supposed to be watching that... There, that ought to hold it. I think. What's up? Chewbacca... Yeah, well, bring him to the screen. I want to say hello to him. You don't know where he is? Oh, he's not there yet. Is that it? Oh boy. Well, all I can tell you is that, uh, he and Han left here on schedule. If he's not there now, they're way overdue. There must've been trouble. Artoo, please, this is important. Now, now listen. Calm down. I mean... you know how Han and Chewbacca are anything could've happened - they could've, they could've stopped off somewhere, or been held up by an asteroid storm. Listen, I wouldn't worry about Chewbacca, I know him and he hasn't missed a Life Day yet, right? Well, there you go! He's not going to miss this one either. It's just taking him a little longer to get there, that's all. He'll make it. Come on, don't look so worried. Now, Chewie's not gonna wanna come home to a house full of long faces, is he? Come on, Malla. Let's see a little smile. Come on... There, that's better. Try to enjoy your Life Day. I gotta get back to this engine. I think we might have it solved. OH! ARTOO! What are you doing?! What are you doing?! Oh no... It's alright. Nobody's perfect. SUB TERMINAL 446B STANDBY CONNECT TRADING POST WOOKIEE PLANET C Hello, an Imperial Guard. I suppose you want to see my identification. No, I'm off duty. I've come to look around your shop. Well, good, good, good. Look around, browse around, make yourself at home... As you can see I've got just about everything a man or wookiee would want. Oh here, let me show you this; I really love this. No... Ah, here we are. Here it is. A pocket sized aquarium. Wonderful, isn't it? And, you can take it with you anywhere. And the tank is a snap to clean. I hate fish. Well, so do I, as a matter of fact. I take a drink once and a while, but I just thought I'd show you some of the stupid stuff those wookiees purchase from me. Oh, here... Here's a hot little item that seems to be moving pretty rapidly these days. Excuse me, I got a wall screen customer. Good to see you again. Don't worry Malla. I know just why you're calling. You're wondering when that shaggy carpet you ordered will arrive at your home. Let me assure you madam, it's on its way. You know, it was made especially for you by a little old woman four planets away. She did it all by herself. In fact, you might say she did it by Han...Solo. Tho' it's going to take some time to get to you. I know you'll understand. You understand don't you?
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