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Главная / Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск

Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск

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product was packed under strict
quality control on the system Amorphia
and this instructional cassette provided
by the manufacturer.
It offers a unique chance for consumers
everywhere to meet an Amorphian being.
The motor abilities of Amorphian citizens are frequently
impaired by malfunctions
which results in
a temporary loss of power.
This in no way reflects on the
safety of our product,
rather it should serve as a guarantee of
our high standards of long wear and
Thank you for selecting our brand of
If you assemble it properly, following
the instructions I'm about to give you.
It will provide many years of fun
and valuable services.
But, now let's get started, shall we?
First, find the sealed package containing
all the tools you'll need.
It looks like this.
Try not to rip it open because it makes a
very handy storage case for your tools
until you need them again.
Now, this is the first thing you'll need.
Please be careful not to hurt yourself on
the sharp edges.
Now, find the circuit breaker module
and by the way, let's start calling these
components by their proper names.
Circuit breaker module.
Remember, every one of the ten thousand
terminals on your circuit breaker module
is marked in a particular color.
Beautiful, aren't they? Like a rainbow.
These must be connected with the
wires with the corresponding colors.
So, red goes to red.
Blue goes to blue and so on.
Now, watch me closely.
And we'll assemble our mini-transmitters
Let us work slowly and
methodically because this is a job worth
doing well.
Well, I see time is running out.
So, we better turn our attention to
the assembly of the impulse to
voice translator.
The impulse to voice translator.
The very heart of the mini-transmitter which
converts electronic energy which
into any of a thousand recognizable languages.
We must remain alert for this very
complicated procedure.
Endurance and concentration are the key
words here
and the total utilization of our neural
cranial synapsis is absolutely essential.
The following live broadcast is...
recommended by the Imperial council in
the belief that your commitment to remain
upstanding citizens will be reinforced.
It is required viewing for all members of
the Imperial forces.
Time now for life on Tatooine.
Brought to viewers everywhere in the hope
that our  own lives may be uplifted by
the comparison
and enriched with the
gratitude of relief.
This transmission isunrehearsed and
and is hereby  begun without further
comment as to its  lack of moral value.
Well, I'm certainly not going to get rich
with customers like you.
I thought I taught you to
drink faster than that.
Well, at least you're steady.
Oh, come on now. Drink up.
There's plenty more where that
came from.
- What'll it be?
- Hello, Ackmena.
Okay, we'll do it your way. Hello. Now,
we'll do it my way. What'll it be?
Can we talk?
Well of course we can talk.
We are talking.
You're not ordering. I'm not pouring. We
are not drinking. We are talking.
I'm moving this to make room for a drink,
so that next time I say "what'll it be"
and you tell me. I can put it right there.
Doesn't matter. Give me anything.
I'll have one of those.
I'm sorry I couldn't get back before.
Ah, before what?
Uh, until now,...
until tonight. I thought about it a dozen times.
I had to be sure.
Ah, excuse me. I have a customer waiting.
I'll be right back.
"Come back soon, I'll be waiting."
How's your drink?
It's all gone.
Look, there's a flower on top
of it.
I see there is. Do you want another drink?
The flower is for you. I wanted to bring
you something and that's all I could
think of.
I don't get many flowers. I uh... but you
didn't have to bring me anything Ah, ah...
Krelman, what a nice name.
When I left here the other night, I felt
something that I haven't felt in longer
than I care to remember.
I felt
Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск

Читайте также:
- текст До мозга костей на английском
- текст Карлсон вернулся на английском
- текст Конан-варвар на английском
- текст Счастье на английском
- текст 1612. Хроники смутного времени. на английском

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