ENDTHE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN Film of the series "1905" production 1 - the factory Goskino. Producer Yacob M. Blioch scenario N. F. Agadzhanovoy - Shutko. Director: S. M. Eisenstein Assistant director: Grigori ALEXANDROV Camera: Edward TISSE Assistants: A. ANTONOV, M. GOMOROV, A. LEVSHIN, M. SHTRAUKH administrators: A. P. Kryukov I. R. Kotoshyev PART ONE THE MEN AND THE MAGGOTS "Revolution is war. Of all the wars known in history it is the only lawful, rightful, just and truly great war. In Russia, this war has been declared and begun." Lenin, 1905 Sailors Matyushenko and Vakulinchuk. We, the sailors of "Potemkin", must support our brothers the workers. We must stand in the front ranks of the revolution! The men slept heavily after the watch. Watchful but clumsy. It is easy to vent one's rage on a recruit. it is offensive... Vakulintchuk. Comrades! The time has come for us to speak out. What are we waiting for? All of Russia has risen. Are we to be the last to do so? On the following morning. We've had enough rotten meat! It's not fit for pigs! Ship's doctor Smirnov. The meat could crawl overboard on its own! Those are not worms. They are only maggots. Wash them out with brine. Russian POW's in Japan are fed better! We've had enough rotten meat! Stop that talk! It's good meat. Gilyarovsky, a senior officer. Boiling soup. The men seethed with rage. The ship's store. The men refused to eat the soup. Give us this day... our daily bread. PART TWO DRAMA IN THE HARBOUR All hands on deck! Ship's captain Golikov. All who enjoyed their soup, step forward! The pretty officers. Step back! I'll string the rest of you up on the yard! Call the guard! Matyusshenko instructed the men to meet by the turret. To the turret! To the turret! Most of the men gathered by the turret. Halt! Stay where you are! The men tried to escape through the Admiral's hatch. Back! The hatch is not for the likes of you. I'll shoot you down like dogs! Cover them with tarpaulin. Aye-aye, sir! Cover them! Attention! Bring the unruly to reason, O Lord... At the tarpaulin. Vakulinchuck decided to act. Fire! Brothers! Who are you shooting at? The rifles wavered. Fire! Fire! Fire, you swine! Take your rifles, mates! Let those blackguards have it! Give it to them! Remember the Lord! Out of my way! He's gone to feed the fishes! We've won, mates! Vakulinchuk is overboard! He who was the first to call for an uprising, fell at the hands of a butcher. To the shore. Odessa. A tent on the new pier: Vakulinchuk's last moorings. Killed for a plate of soup. PART THREE A DEAD MAN CALLS FOR JUSTICE A mist spread over the sea. A rumour spread from the pier... The news reached town with the sunrise. There's an uprising on the "Potemkin"... An uprising!... We won't forget! Killed for a plate of soup. "People of Odessa! "Here lies Vakulinchuk a sailor, brutally "murdered by an officer of the battleship "Potemkin". "Prince of Tauride.""Death to the opressors! "We shall take revenge!" The ship's crew. Eternal glory to those who died for the revolution! All for one! And one for all. Down with the butchers! Down with tsarism! Mothers, sisters, brothers! Let nothing divide us! Kill the Jews! Shoulder to shoulder. The land is ours! The future is ours! Delegates from Odessa. We must deal the enemy a decisive blow. Together with the workers of Russia we shall fight and win! Odessa followed the progress of the uprising... PART FOUR THE ODESSA STAIRCASE Odessa was with the sailors. Boats streamed to the battleship. Suddenly... Let's go and talk them out of it. Do you hear that? Don't shoot! My boy is very ill. The Cossacks. The ship's guns roared in reply to the massacre. The target - the Odessa Opera House. At the enemy stronghold! PART FIVE THE MEETING WITH THE SQUADRON Stormy meetings went on all day. Odessa awaits her liberators! If ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Брат на английском - текст Нашествие похитителей тел на английском - текст В синем море, белой пене... на английском - текст Пугало на английском - текст Каникулы в Простоквашино на английском |