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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Мольба


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EndA GEORGIA-FILM Studio Production
The beautiful nature of man
can never die.
Vazha Pshavela
O Lord, my plea, I pray, please heed,
The only one I'm affecting:
I beg, don't let me just live and breed,
Betraying you, myself rejecting.
May madman's temper be wild and
And soul know but the miracles' rule,
Appealing and thirsting for the good
May never be quenched to the full.
The prudence and the piece of mind
May never come to me, not ever.
And only in the throes of night
To grow the sprouts of joy may I
Whenever my soul is afire,
My mind at once would spread its wing,
And only then freedom will triumph
In me and celebrate its win.
May Your all-powerful hand
Protect me, keep me in Your fold,
Until my way misfortune is sent
And punish me with the graveyard cold.
And only when your peace you'll find,
Return a star to the firmament,
Fish - to the whirlpool of a river
Return my dust to earth,
My spirit to eternity,
To father and mother - their child!
Based upon the poems of
Screenplay by A. SALUKVADZE
Directed by
Director of Photography
Production Designer
Music by
English Subtitles by
T. Kameneva
Khvtisya - Spartak BAGASHVILI
Maiden - Rusudan KIKNADZE
Matsil - Ramaz CHKHIKVADZE
Aluda - Tengiz ARCHVADZE
Dzhokhola -
Zviadauri - Zurab KAPIANIDZE
Master, give me shelter.
Give shelter to a traveler.
A lonely, homeless traveler.
Come in, come in, good soul.
Help you God.
How can I refuse you shelter?
Oh God, who are you?
I know you.
I talked to you many times,
but I've never had the honor
of seeing you.
You're my earthly God...
Am I worthy
of your attention, of your love?
No, I am not,
yet I'm happy about it.
What do you want, you damned one?
What do you want from me?
Why are you poisoning
my heart and soul?
Go away, get out.
I don't want to see you.
You're evil, you're the devil.
You may say what you like.
Your cursing doesn't bother me.
My nature
is strong and unchanging.
Didn't you understand yet
that you'd never win over me?
Life is like a good lump of fat.
Cut off a piece and enjoy it.
Don't forget, nothing is permanent
in this world, everything ends.
But... man's aspirations,
his thoughts,
hate - everything
life consists of,
lull the realization of a near end,
of the fact that all is vanity.
But you can't understand that.
What you're about is poison.
There it goes again: Whenever
I tell the truth, you think
it's poison.
You're mine. Mine.
Only mine.
No one will ever tear you off
from these strong paws.
I'm alive as long as you're alive.
If everything you're
telling us is true,
then how is our community going
to live?
You say that killing animals and
felling trees is a sin.
Why consider it a sin
if God has given it all to man?
Cutting trees, picking grasses,
killing cattle - you feel sorry for it,
but you don't feel sorry when killing
a man, even if he's your enemy?
What shall we do, then, to those
who trample on our land,
kidnap our wives
and debase our holy faith?
A horseman burst into their stead,
And shouted:
"The Kistins, scoundrels,
They plunder our land
And take our horses to the mountains!"
Aluda of the family of Ketelauri,
By nature was a fair man,
Besides, he was a Khevsur man,
Brave and enduring.
No few Kistins he caused to miss
A hand on the battlefield.
A coward, he has no enemies.
It's only a hero has of them
a whole guild.
Well, how about it, you treacherous
He holed my chest, the treacherous dog.
And soon my life will wilt.
O, woe is me, in the prime of the day
My life Aluda has got,
My brother and myself he's slain.
Is that the justice of the Lord?
Alright, have it, the treacherous dog,
It doesn't belong to any other.
But, Lo! The

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