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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Мольба


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brothers like a dog.
What? Me dog? How dare you, slave,
Call me a dog, you dirty rat?!
Go, damned dog, to the grave,
To spare me further snarling at!
What has he done!
The man must be at his wit's end!
You have been dragging through the mud
All that I hold sacred, sons of Kistin.
I'll kill, as Allah is my God,
You all, although you're my kin.
You've smeared our laws of shelter.
May you be damned for eternity!
They beat Dzhokhola with all might,
And rounded up, prostrate and trod,
He was bound with a rope tight,
Before he managed to draw his sword.
Beaten up and thrown on the straw,
He, like a corpse, is lying by the door.
We fear death,
But whenever there is a chance
To see the other's end in full,
To the execution one would prance
And just enjoy it, a stupid fool.
Oh, how many monsters do I know
Who have only sin as their worth,
Yet they emit of innocence a glow
And walk in peace on our earth.
What does Zviadauri really want
As he whispers many an indistinct word?
The Khevsur's blood is running hot,
But in his hand there's no sword.
Yes, it is your day of luck.
Alas, you've got me in your hole.
Already the people in the dark
Drag him somewhere with a frenzied
It's time for the murderer obscene
To go down to the dark of coffin.
And please the dead by fetching them in
The water, to the otherworldly din,
Or weave the sandals for them from
There's a gloomy hill in the village's
Burnt by the sun to the very ground.
There, lying deep in their graves,
Sleep lionhearted bodies under a mound.
The water washed their remains,
The hill provided a clay shroud.
Under the vault of a stone tomb
The brave men's heartbeat has been
The earth's insatiable womb
Eats up the bones of the deceased,
Obliterates the human face
Of all who were furious and bold,
Who didn't lose heart in the fighting
Who didn't waver with a sword in hold.
It is the fatal sin of nature
That saddens me and makes me cry:
Whether good or evil you may be
a creature,
Your time will come and you will die.
As every sailor will be swallowed
By water if his ship overturns.
Darla, forget you ever suffered.
Darla, look up and you will see
The whole village here gathered,
As did the villain who killed thee.
As sacrifice to the other world
We'll throw him to lie beside you.
Darla, forget you ever suffered.
Darla, look up and you will see
The whole village here gathered,
As did the villain who killed thee.
As sacrifice to the other world
We'll throw him to lie beside you.
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
Acknowledge your master, foul dog!
Become a sacrifice for our Darla!
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
The damned now sees the door of coffin,
But he doesn't want to be sacrificed!
Acknowledge your master, foul dog!
Become a sacrifice for our Darla!
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
The damned now sees the door of coffin,
But he doesn't want to be sacrificed!
Acknowledge your master, foul dog!
Become a sacrifice for our Darla!
Darla, forget you ever suffered.
Darla, look up and you will see
The whole village here gathered,
As did the villain who killed thee.
As sacrifice to the other world
We'll throw him to lie beside you.
Darla, forget you ever suffered.
Darla, look up and you will see
The whole village here gathered,
As did the villain who killed thee.
As sacrifice to the other world
We'll throw him to lie beside you.
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
Acknowledge your master, foul dog!
Become a sacrifice for our Darla!
A dog will be a sacrifice to
the infidel!
Look, people, at his hour of death
He didn't even bat an eye.
It's time for the murderer obscene
To go down to the dark of coffin.
If only an ax I managed to find,
I would've killed those villains here
And freed the prisoner without fear,
My relatives I would've defied.
But has a Kistin woman ever
Мольба Мольба

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- текст Остров Сокровищ на английском
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