Ivan the Terrible Part two The Boyars' Plot Written and directed by Sergei Eisenstein This story about lvan the Terrible the founder of the Tsardom of Muscovy tells of his struggle against the foes of Russian unity In the role of Ivan the Terrible Nikolai Cherkasov The Oprichniki: Malyuta Skuratov: Mikhail Zharov Alexei Basmanov: Amvrosy Buchma His son, Fyodor Basmanov: Mikhail Kuznetsov Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and of all the Russias Andrei Abrikosov Pimen, the Archbishop of Novgorod Alexander Mgebrov Pyotr Volynets: Vladimir Balashov Efrosinia Staritskaya, the Tsar's aunt Serafima Birman Her son, Vladimir Staritsky: Pavel Kadochnikov Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky: Mikhail Nazvanov Sigismund, King of Poland: Pavel Massalsky lt is the year fifteen hundred and sixty-four the year in which the Tsar formed his special bodyguard the Oprichniki The year in which Tsar lvan withdrew to Alexandrov The year in which the people organized a procession to beg the Tsar to return The year in which Prince Kurbsky committed the base treachery of surrendering the Russian armies to the Poles and transferred his allegiance to King Sigismund There are certain defeats that are more resounding than victories The defeat of my Russian army near Revel will spark off the revolt Tsar Ivan has fled the wrath of the boyars and taken refuge in Alexandrov The Moscow boyars, the Kolychevs, have managed to get some messages through The Tsar is assailed on every side like a baited bear The boyars are seething with revolt: the Tsar will fall without a blow being struck and the throne of Moscow will be free for a new Tsar well-disposed towards Poland God in his wisdom decreed that Lithuania, Poland and the Baltic States should serve as the outposts of Europe in order that the civilized nations of the West might be protected from the Muscovite barbarians They say the Muscovites eat children alive Russian soil is fertile. The herds are well-fed The sub-soil conceals inexhaustible riches Of course, the Russians have to be kept down But a strong man on the throne of Moscow would shatter the most cherished dreams of all the European sovereigns We need the dim-witted Vladimir Staritsky We must support the rebel boyars The solitary reins of absolute power must be wrenched from the Tsar and returned to the feudal princes We must destroy the unity of Ivan's Russia Once that has been done, the Christian kings will embark on a new crusade We will force the Muscovite to serve the West We will drive the Russians out of Europe and force them back to their Asian steppes Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Tsar Ivan is on his way back to Moscow! So I've caught you! You didn't expect me back, eh? You were delighted by the Tsar's departure! You've shown yourselves for what you are - traitors! The rogues They wanted to govern the land themselves! Alright, if that's what you want! From now I'll give you land to govern! I'll give you land But as the widower I shall keep the widower's portion the towns along our borders. From there I will watch over the security of the State and guard the integrity of Russian frontiers And I shall stamp out treason! I have no confidence in you boyars Therefore as God created man in his own image so I have created men in mine. They will carry out my orders and only they will enjoy my confidence that is why I have christened them Oprichniki These plans come not from God but from the devil He who defies ancestral traditions shall not remain sovereign for long Fyodor Kolychev! Say no more Why are you so severe with me, Fyodor Kolychev? Why, my good friend, are you so cruel? You should really pity me! I am not Kolychev, I am Philip the monk ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Феррис Бьюллер берёт выходной на английском - текст Назад в будущее 3 на английском - текст Принцесса на горошине на английском - текст Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе на английском - текст Александр Невский на английском |