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Главная / Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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you to excommunicate him.
I shall return to my monastery.
You daren't.
If you don't bring the Tsar to heel,
you will answer for it before God!
Ah! my lord!
I ask for justice against the Tsar,
and protection.
I ask that the boyars' cause be defended.
No, I do not ask, my lord, I demand!
That's not all I'm demanding.
I demand that the Tsar be humbled.
I do not ask,
I demand!
God be my witness.
It is not for myself
nor for the members of my family
who have been executed
that I take up the sword.
It is on behalf of the boyars.
Justice must be done against the Tsar.
Beneath my priestly robes
beats the heart of a Kolychev!
And a Kolychev who is a prince of the Church!
Even the Tsar can do nothing
against the Church.
Come tomorrow to the cathedral!
I shall humble the Tsar.
I shall crush him
with the weight of the Church.
God be praised.
What's the story of the fiery furnace?
The story tells how a heavenly angel
led three youths
called Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
out of the fiery furnace of Babylon,
into which a ferocious heathen Tsar,
had thrown them.
Now, there are no such angels.
Innocent, we were flung
into the burning, fiery furnace
lit by the Chaldeans,
for having disobeyed the heathen Tsar.
Chaldean! Hey! Chaldean!
What is it?
Is this the Tsar's work?
The Tsar's!
They disobeyed the Tsar?
They disobeyed!
So, we are going to hurl them
into the burning, fiery furnace!
We are given into
the hands of lawless princes,
wretched apostates.
Into the hands of an unjust Tsar
who is the wickedest in the world.
With her staff
the old lady...
Hands off the Tsar's aunt!
She's Tsarina in her own house!
So she slapped your faces,
you and your henchmen!
I recognize the family spirit right enough!
Perhaps this is the right moment
to polish off the Staritskys
with one blow.
They've opposed the Tsar's will!
It is not for you, Alexei,
to tell the Tsar what to do.
Not for you, Fyodor,
to raise your hand
against the Tsar's family.
No harm shall come to Efrosinia,
as long as she calls herself
the Tsar's aunt
and does not claim
to become the mother of a Tsar,
a Tsar who submits to the boyars.
As for you, Basmanovs...
learn to keep your place!
And the poisoned goblet...
have you forgotten that?
Be quiet.
Be quiet, Fyodor!
Don't mention that grave charge!
God grant it was not she who was guilty!
Why, shameless Chaldeans,
do you serve a lawless Tsar?
Why, bewitched Chaldeans,
do you serve a devilish,
blaspheming and despotic Tsar?
Why do you torment us with fire?
Why do you burn us?
And now, bear witness to a miracle.
The terrestrial lord will be humbled
by the Lord of Hosts.
The Tsar of all the Russias
begs your blessing.
I do not recognize the Orthodox Tsar
in his pagan actions!
In what way, monk,
do my actions concern you?
Your actions are those
of a bloodthirsty beast!
Silence, Philip.
If you question my sovereignty
you will incur my anger!
Now bear witness to a miracle.
The terrestrial lord will be humbled
by the Lord of Hosts.
Ivan, like Nebuchadnessar,
you cast those who are close to you
into the fire.
But the avenging angel
will descend from heaven
and free them from their prison.
Silence, Philip!
Submit to the authority
of the Church, Ivan!
Dissolve the Oprichnina
before it's too late!
Ivan... dissolve the Oprichnina
before it is too late!
Mother, is that the terrible
and godless Tsar?
Mother, it is the terrible
and godless Tsar!
It is her, Fyodor!
It is her.
From now on I will be
just what you say I am!
I will be terrible!
Philip has been arrested.
He's been forbidden to go back
to the monastery.
He'll be given a savage trial.
He will be condemned.
In the old days
they would have handed Philip
over to us for trial.
Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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- текст Малышка на миллион на английском
- текст С собой не унесешь на английском

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