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Главная / Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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and their will is my strength
I hear the voice of God
through them
and I carry out His holy designs
Tsar, I beg you, don't let the
priest do as he pleases.
Don't trust anyone.
You hold the power. Use it!
I understand. You've given
your word to the priest
You've made him promises
You can't go back on your word
I understand
So we must see that the Tsar's
word is respected
and wipe out the traitors too
It's just going back on your
word that worries you, isn't it?
There is a way out...
use a cat's paw
No, a red-headed dog - me,
I'll take the Tsar's sins
on my shoulders
I'll give my soul for the Tsar
I'll go to hell if need be,
but I'll keep the Tsar's word
What does the hound do when the
game tries to go to earth?
Flies straight as an arrow
to the lair
He outwits it...
heads it off
outruns it
Outstrip the priest?
Is that what you're suggesting?
So he won't have time
to double back?
You'd give your soul
for the Tsar!
Eh, dog?
You complain the Tsar doesn't
spoil you?
Be off with you!
Do what you have to do. By God's
will, be judge and executioner
And to outstrip the priest
We'll start on some of his
distant relatives, the Kolychevs
Kolychevs are untamed,
but we'll tame them!
By what right do you set
yourself as a judge, Tsar Ivan?
By what right do you wield
the sword of justice?
Let me not drink of this cup
You cannot avoid it... Even
though some cups contain poison!
The cup?
The goblet
They poisoned her!
They poisoned my sweetheart!
Who gave the fatal goblet
to the Tsarina?
She received it from
my own hands!
And who gave it to you?
Is it possible?
The Tsar's aunt?
My own blood relation?
Silence! Not a word of your
suspicions to anyone
until I have ferreted out
the truth. Come!
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost
Our Sovereign Ivan Vasilievich
Tsar and Grand Duke of
all the Russians
has pronounced these boyars
of the Kolychev family
to be traitors
the aforementioned boyars
having been in communication
with the king of Poland,
with the aim
of submitting to foreign
Ivan Vasilievich,
Tsar of all the Russians
has condemned them to be
beheaded for high treason
Too few!
By God's power invested in you,
bring the Tsar to heel
I charge you
to excommunicate him
I shall return to my monastery
You daren't. If you don't bring
the Tsar to heel
you will answer for it
before God!
Ah! My lord!
I ask for justice against
the Tsar, and protection
I ask that the boyars' cause
be defended
No, I do not ask, my lord,
I demand!
That's not all I'm demanding
I demand that the Tsar
be humbled
I do not ask,
I demand!
God be my witness
It is not for myself
nor for the members of my family
who have been executed
that I take up the sword.
It is on behalf of the boyars
Justice must be done against
the Tsar
Beneath my priestly robes
beats the heart of a Kolychev!
And a Kolychev who is a prince
of the Church!
Even the Tsar can do nothing
against the Church
Come tomorrow to the cathedral!
I shall humble the Tsar
I shall crush him with
the weight of the Church
God be praised
Mother... What's the story
of the fiery furnace?
The story tells how a heavenly
angel led three youths
called Shadrach, Meshach
and Abednego
out of the fiery furnace of
into which a ferocious heathen
Tsar, Nebuchadnezzar,
had thrown them
Now, there are no such angels
Innocent, we were flung into
the burning, fiery furnace
lit by the Chaldeans
for having disobeyed the
heathen Tsar
Chaldean! Hey! Chaldean!
What is it?
Is this the Tsar's work?
The Tsar's!
They disobeyed the Tsar?
They disobeyed!
So, we are going to hurl them
into the burning, fiery furnace!
We are given into
the hands of lawless princes
wretched apostates
into the hands
of an unjust Tsar
who is the wickedest
Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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- текст Александр маленький на английском
- текст Про уродов и людей на английском
- текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 10 на английском
- текст Маму нужно любить на английском

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