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Главная / Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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Alright, if that's what you want!
From now I'll give you land to govern!
I'll give you land.
But as the widower,
I shall keep the widower's portion...
the towns along our borders.
From there
I will watch over
the security of the State
and guard the integrity of Russian frontiers.
And I shall stamp out treason!
I have no confidence in you boyars.
Therefore as God created man
in his own image,
so I have created men in mine.
They will carry out my orders
and only they will enjoy my confidence.
That is why I have christened them Oprichniki.
These plans come not from God...
but from the devil.
He who defies ancestral traditions,
shall not remain sovereign for long.
Fyodor Kolychev!
Say no more.
Why are you so severe with me,
Fyodor Kolychev?
Why, my good friend,
are you so cruel?
You should really pity me!
I am not Kolychev, I am Philip the monk.
I carry out the will of God,
not the designs of the Tsar.
ever since I was a child,
the boyars showed their hatred
of the Grand Duke of Moscow.
After my father's death,
my mother was killed.
They have poisoned me!
Ah! I am dying!
My son!
They have killed me!
Watch out for poison!
Beware of the boyars!
Elena Glinskaya is dead.
That's how I came to be an orphan,
alone and abandoned,
whilst the boyars governed in my name
and handed over Russian territory
to foreign enslavement.
Ivan Vasilievich, Grand Duke of Moscow,
has graciously ratified
a commercial treaty
and agrees to pay duties
for the transit of goods via the Baltic,
to the great Hanseatic League
of the German merchant towns.
The Grand Duke of Moscow
has reconsidered his decision.
He has concluded the treaty
with the Order of Livonian Knights.
Someone has certainly been lining
Shuisky's pockets.
The Hansa!
It was the Boyar Council's decision.
The Grand Duke is free to annul
the council's decisions.
But he has pledged his word.
The Grand Duke is the sole arbiter
of his word.
He gives it or rescinds it as he pleases.
It is the Grand Duke's will
which constitutes the law.
But the will of the Grand Duke
is to conclude a treaty with the Hansa.
The Grand Duke's will
is to concede the privileges
to the Livonian Order.
The Grand Duke's will is law!
We must pay the Hansa!
No, we'll pay the Livonians!
The Hansa will be more profitable
to the State!
You mean more profitable to yourself!
And you have been bribed by the Livonians!
The money must go to the Hansa!
We'll pay the Livonians.
We will pay no one!
We're not obliged to pay.
The coastal towns were built
by our ancestors.
Those lands are our inheritance;
they must be returned to Moscow.
Who would be fool enough to give them back?
Anything that falls off the back
of a wagon is lost.
If they won't return them voluntarily,
we shall take them back by force.
By force?
And where will we find this force?
You have wasted Russia's strength.
It has been frittered away
by the boyars.
O Lord! I'll die laughing.
Take it off.
Off, I say.
Get off my mother's bed!
My mother, who was murdered by you, you dogs!
A dog, am I?
Well your mother was a bitch.
She used to sleep with that dog Telepnev.
No one even knows who your father was!
Race of dogs!
Seize him!
Seize him!
The leading boyar handed over
to the kennelmen!
I shall reign alone!
Without the boyars!
I will be Tsar!
Now... I hold great power.
The people support me.
My personal guard
form an iron ring around me.
My enemies are kept at bay.
But I have no close friends.
God refuses me
the sweet consolations of friendship.
On whose shoulders can I rest my head?
With whom can I share my joys and sorrows?
I am alone, abandoned.
I had a single close friend, Anastasia.
She has left me.
I had a friend, Kurbsky.
He has betrayed me.
No, not just myself but our great cause.
I don't fear the trouble-makers.
I don't fear the sword,
poison or betrayal.
I fear not for myself.
But I
Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор

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