Captain Pellew, come in, sir. My apologies for requiring you at such short notice. -Not at all, my Lord. -Captain Pellew,... may I introduce General, le baron de Charette, commander in chief of His Majesty King Louis's army in exile. The general is going to invade France and we're going to help him. Once your ships have carried us across the Channel, we shall raise an army of the people and march on Paris- to restore His Most Catholic Majesty onto the throne. May I ask, sir, how many men you expect to raise for this army? Within a matter of days, I shall have 10,000,- maybe 20,000 men in arms. Then we shall move east, gathering more as we go. Never doubt the loyalty of the people monsieur. I understand, sir, in fact, arms have been raised- against the rebel government before. -Certainly, many times. -…without any success. Captain Pellew, for 5 years I have lived in exile while traitors- have laid waste to my country. Well, now the nobility of France is going home; and this time, when my countrymen fight, we, their rightful leaders, will lead them into battle. Can I not take it, sir,... that we have your support in this great venture? Oh yes, Baron, you can depend on Captain Pellew's full support. You have His Britannic Majesty's word on it. -How do I look? -A most startling improvement, if I may say so, sir. So,with 2 shirts,half britches, buttons and buckles,the sum is- 11 lb. 9 shillings and three pence. Perhaps pinchbeck instead of silver for the shoe buckles? That would make it ... shall we say, 11 lb even.? Very well, Mr. Collins. I asure you, baron is still a figure head- amongst those loyal to King Louis. His name will provide the spark- that sets all northern France afire. But the Royalist force, my lord, they're nothing more than- the remnants of a defeated army. -A final cast of the dice,I grant you -Indeed sir, -and a desperate one. -You forget what is at stake, Sir Edward. For the cost of ferrying General Charette- and his men across the Channel, we can put an end to- the war with France. Surely, even in your estimation,- it's a trifling effort for a place in history. Yes, but, if the expedition should fail, sir,- what of the cost in lives? Men die every day this war continues. When it's over,- we may count costs at our leisure. Make way! Make way! -My lord! My lord! -Speak up, man! -The orders… -Well? Gone, my lord. My lord? He was carrying a copy of General Charette's- plan to the First Lord. Oh, my God! -What if they fall into enemy hands? -Well,we do not know that. They may be at the bottom of the Thames, the thieves drunk- -in a tavern. -Sir, what if they're not? His Majesty's government has decided, and they are not in the business of changing their minds. Should General Charette know of this? I don't believe there's any need to trouble him. What has passed here will remain between ourselves. Is that understood? Yes, sir. However, since it would not be politic for King Louis- to think that we might have cast his general ashore unaided, you will remain on station after the General has disembarked. If worse comes to worst, you can provide him- -with a means of escape. -As you wish, sir. Very well. You have your orders, Captain Pellew. Carry on, sir. -Mr. Hornblower! -Sir! Well, don't stand there dawdling, sir. We must return- to Plymouth as soon as possible. Welcome aboard, sir. A profitable meeting at the Admiralty I trust. Quite satisfactory, Mr. Bracegirdle. Signal the ships Dunbarton, Sophia and Catherine and- request the attendance of their captains in one hour. Mr. Hornblower, my compliments to the senior officers. I will see them in my cabin in 20 minutes. -Aye, sir. -So, Mr. Hornblower, what news? I know no more than you, Mr. Bracegirdle. Well, I expect we shall find out. By the way, I think you have a splash of mud on your jacket. You look every inch ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Семь стихий на английском - текст Затерянные в космосе на английском - текст Осенний марафон на английском - текст Львиное сердце на английском - текст Жизнь Эмиля Золя на английском |