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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Торпедоносцы


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
First Artistic Association
Dedicated to the pilots of
the Red Banner Northern Fleet
Based on the war stories by
Screenplay by
Directed by
Director of Photography
Vladimir ILYIN
Production Designer
Music by Alexander KNAIFEL
Sound by Galina LUKINA
English subtitles by
Tatiana Kameneva;
modified by Vitaly Koissin
R. NAKHAPETOV as Belobrov
A. ZHARKOV as Cherepets
A. BOLTNEV as Gavrilov
S. SADALSKY as Dmitrienko
T. KRAVCHENKO as Maroussia
V. GLAGOLEVA as Shoura
Film studio 'LENFILM', 1983
The baby's awake.
Go to sleep!
- Let's cover him with the headscarf?
- No.
- Today is your birthday, Shura.
- My birthday, not yours.
- Shura...
- So we'll do as I say.
Right, baby?
You agree, don't you?
The Plotnikovs are already up.
Good morning. What's up?
The day I get shot down,
it'll be too late.
You're a big idiot.
Your foot.
Good morning from the officers'
club broadcasting room!
And now, for our first program...
An early bird.
- Good morning, sister!
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel.
- I'm not a Colonel;
I'm a first lieutenant.
- And we're nurses, not siters.
You may be a nurse,
but she's my kid sister.
One, two, three...
- You've only gotten up to three?
- Thirty-three!
Hold it, Diehard.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Shall we have a smoke, Sergei?
May I, Comrade Commander?
One, two, push!
Well, not strong enough for this?
Cherepets, come here.
Why are you picking on them?
And why did they say that my tickets were false?
I went to the theatre last night
and they were in my seats;
22nd row, sits 16 and 17.
So they said
I had the false tickets.
They said to my girl:
"Your sergeant has made
a false pair of tickets..."
Are you sure the tickets were
not false?
Comrade Guards Major,
you know me, and I know you...
How can you even think
that I would fake tickets?
Well, what's new in the Naval Air Forces?
- Cherepets has started
business with false tickets.
- Really?
It's not true! Yesterday, I was
given two theatre tickets.
I went there, and they were
sitting in my seats.
And they said,
"Your tickets are false".
Look at their smug mugs, but all
they know is "check your torpedo"...
- What's all this about, Comrades?
- Cherepets has started business
with false tickets.
- That's not true! I...
- As you were!
I can't give you an answer now;
only after the flight.
Yes, on orders.
Well, we'll discuss that
when I get back.
Dmitrienko, stop ruining your teeth.
Why, Comrade Colonel?
- I can hang for 4 minutes now.
As soon as I reach 5 minutes,
I'm going to put on a show.
Forget it. Stop making
a circus out of my regiment.
You would hang there while
the music played, that's your show?
No, I won't allow such disgrace.
- What sort of jam is it?
- Apricot.
Regiment! Fall in!
Ready front!
Comrade commander, the Guards torpedo
and mine regiment is in formation.
Lieutenant colonel Fomenko.
Greetings comrades!
Good morning, Comrade General!
Formation will be brief:
scouts confirm the presence
of a fascist convoy in the area.
This means work for everybody.
The air-cover will be provided.
- Any changes in the connection?
- Call-signs are the same.
Cloud density - 6-8.
Visibility - 10 maximum.
Sometimes snowstorm.
- Go on.
- Yes!
To furnish us with technical
and tactical data on the
torpedo launching, will go...
- Lieutenant colonel Kurochkin.
- Yes!
- And Engineer-Captain Gavrilov.
- Yes!
The choice of crew is yours.
- Comrade General, permission to fall in line?
- You're late for 1.5 minutes!
- By my watch...
- You might get rid of your watch!
- Permission to fall in line?
- Yes.
Regiment, dismissed!
Major Plotnikov!
You'll take the Lieutenant colonel.
I'll take Gavrilov.
- You want to fly with me?
- All right.
The plane's ready for the flight,
Comrade Commander.
Shall I

Читайте также:
- текст Убийцы на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей на английском
- текст Конец игры на английском
- текст Сказки леса на английском
- текст Девять дней одного года на английском

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