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Главная / Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки

Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки

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honour of defending the bridge
should fall to my men.
With respect, Colonel, your men
have not seen action-
-for several years, whereas my men...
-You question-
the competence
of our French troops, Major?
Colonel, I merely point out their
lack of recent experience.
So, you do question it.
No, I will not allow it.
Gentlemen, surely we are
all allies here.
As long as our campaign
is successful,
-we will all share the honours.
-Mr. Hornblower is right.
To restore the king,
that is our only concern.
As you wish, Colonel.
May I suggest, Colonel, that one of
my officers act as liaison-
between yourself and Lord Edrington.
You seem to have a grasp of
the situation, Mr. Hornblower.
Perhaps you'd like to volunteer.
Yes, sir.
We'll be taking 2 twelve-pounders
and enough powder-
-to destroy a bridge.
-What size is the bridge, sir?
Well, I'd imagine it's a bit bigger
than the river, Matthews.
Ah, never mind.
Take 10 extra powder casks
to be sure.
Begging your pardon,Mr.Hornblower,sir
but why can't the French-
-use their own cannons?
It may have escaped your notice
but General Charette's troops
don't have any cannons.
Well, I don't mind letting them
take ours sir.
Yesterday you were prepared to
hang a man for taking a chicken.
But, today you're willing to give
them our guns.
Very generous. Decided the French
are all right afterall,-
-have you, Styles?
Your men are reluctant to go
ashore with us?
On the contrary, sir, they are
all quite eager.
I am happy to hear it.
With the help of your men
I hope to see my home restored
to something of its former glory
They will do everything in
their power, sir.
I think you are a stranger to
my country, Mr. Hornblower.
You cannot imagine what these
Republicans are capable of.
There is no place they would
not defile,
nothing they would not besmirch.
Let us hope your fears are unfounded.
You do not know these people.
They are barbarians.
But order will be restored, monsieur.
You can depend on it.
Captain, landing beach in sight, sir.
Very good, Mr. Bowles.
All hands shorten sail.
Aye, aye, sir.
All hands!  Shorten sail!
Mr. Hornblower,the beach is in sight.
-Prepare to disembark, if you please.
-Aye, aye, sir.
-Mr. Hornblower.
You will be on foreign soil with
the enemy all around.
Be on your guard, take care.
And do not assume a situation is
safe until you can-
-convince yourself that it is so.
-I will keep it in mind, sir.
Good. I trust you will not abandon
your prudence of yesterday.
-Oh no, sir, I will not.
-Carry on, Mr. Hornblower.
You are concerned for his safety,
I am concerned for the safety of
all my men, General.
But, the lieutenant in particular.
He is one of my best officers,
and despite his lack of years, I...
I would regret his loss.
Then let me reassure you.
I am confident that within a few days
the whole of France-
will be behind us, and then your
young lieutenant
will be able to tell his
grandchildren how he helped restore-
the flag of King Louis to
its rightful place,
to fly once more over
the sacred soil of France.
Number One Company, fall in!
Fall in on the right!
Number Two Company, over here!
Forward, right!
So how does it feel to be
back on this side of the channel?
Better with a pistol and cannon
to hand. We're gonna need-
some kind of transport to get
the guns and powder to the bridge
I'll see what Colonel Moncoutant
has in mind.
He worries more about that machine
than anything else.
At this rate, it will be the only
thing to reach Muzillac.
Are your men ready to move,
Mr. Hornblower?
-Yes, my lord, save for our cannon.
-My goodness,-
if that's any of ours,
I'll have them flogged.
Those are the French troops,
I believe.
It would be.
What do they think they're here for?
-Gentlemen, you are ready to advance?
-My men are ready, sir!
-What?   What are you saying?
-Colonel, I believe-
we still
Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки

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