ALEXANDER DOVZHENKO Film Studio Starring L. BYKOV as Titarenko S. PODGORNY as Darkie S. IVANOV as Grasshopper R. SAGDULLAYEV as Romeo Ye. SIMONOVA as Masha O. MATESHKO as Zoya V. TALASHKO as Skvortsov Regiment Commander - V. MIROSHNICHENKO A. SMIRNOV as Makarych A. FEDORINSKY as Alyabyev V. YANTBELIDZE as Vano A. NEMCHENKO as Ivan Fyodorovich V. PASHCHENKO as Vorobyov That was a hell of a battle! I thought it was the end. - How's the machine? - Great. I got to his tail, and he from his back... like hell! He just waved his tail, and that was the last I saw of him. Why did you stay so far behind? You see, I thought my guns got jammed. All right, time to fill up. And he's dragging on a left turn... The dumplings are getting cold. - With cherries? - With cheese. Comrade Commander, the mission's been completed. Seat. What did you see? I saw one, that was all in smoke, but I didn't see him fall. - That's not it. - May I? What did you see? From the first 9, we shot down 2, the rest ran away. That's not it. Vano, what did you see? Four Fokkers were forcing us down, but we slipped away and came to you. I shot it down! I did! I shot it down, Comrade Commander. Oh-oh-oh, what have you done? Now we have to call your parents to the principal. - Tomorrow. - Right. - I swear I did. - I guess, out of fright. Congratulations on your first victory! But remember, Ivan Fyodorovich, shooting down enemy planes is not an act of heroism, it's the duty of fighters, it's our daily routine. But what did you see? - In battle? - Yes. Don't help him. Greetings, Second. Gimme some milk. You alive? Broke your paw? Ten holes, the tank torn out, as for me - not a scratch. How do you say it, Maestro? We'll live on. Thanks. You're welcome. So, what did you see? Haven't you noticed? Today we were fighting over my Ukraine! How can one notice? The same fields, roads, villages. No. The air is different. The sky is bluer, the earth is greener. Commander, as for greenery, in our Siberia... Why Siberia, my dear? Come to Bakuriani, you'll see the real greenery. - Have you ever seen the Yenisey? - No, I haven't. And have you seen the Tsenitskhali? There they go... Quiet. A lark. Based upon the reminiscences of Soviet pilots fighting in the Great Patriotic War, newsreels and wartime songs. Chief Consultant - Hero of the Soviet Union, General-Lieutenant of the Air Force S.I. KHARLAMOV Music by V. SHEVCHENKO Production Designer Georgy PROKOPETS Director of Photography Vladimir VOITENKO Screenplay by Leonid BYKOV Yevgeny ONOPRIYENKO Alexander SATSKY Directed by Leonid BYKOV ONLY "OLD MEN" ARE GOING TO BATTLE Give me First. Give me first squadron! Comrades pilots, please don't go away. Captain Dementyev, come to me. Give me first squadron! - Comrade... - Later. Comrade Commander, we've got reinforcement. What do we do? - Get the third up. - Yes! I'm First. Ninth, answer me. Ninth, answer me. I'm First. The wireless is too weak, it won't do. - Weak... Get me a stronger one! - That's only in the division. So get it in the division! You're a communications man, not a balalaika. Maestro, answer me. Maestro, I'm First. Maestro, answer me. I'm First. Commander, there are no miracles that happen. He's been out of fuel for 30 minutes now. Shall we deal with the reinforcement? They should be assigned to squadrons. It's never late to assign the living to the living. Comrade Guards Major, I got a new comedy in the division, "George from Dinki-Jazz". They gave it to us, but Regiment 125 intercepted it. It's robbery. - What did they intercept? - "From Dinki-Jazz". What jazz? From Dinki. Off you go! Why is everybody here? Everyone go to supper. Do you need a special invitation? Oh, it's you, Sergey. He ordered me to lead everybody away, but I'm No. 2. I wasn't supposed to leave him alone. Stop torturing yourself. You
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