- Hey, fella. - Huh? You thinking of jumping? - Why, what's it to you? - Nothing. - You got any cash? - Huh? It's not gonna do you any good down there. Oh, for... Much obliged. Nice watch. Thank you. You have a nice day. Hey, fella, it's none of my business, but you really picked a lousy spot. - What are you talking about? - There's too much traffic. You jump here, a car could swerve, cause an accident, hurt some people. You'd never forgive yourself. Oh, I guess you're right. Thank you. Where would be a good spot? There's an on-ramp over there. I bet it'd be perfect. I'll show you if you'd like. Oh, you're very kind. See? Isn't this better? Much better. Thanks again for your help. My pleasure. Hey, you mind if I watch? I never saw anyone do this before. If it bothers you, just say so. - I don't mind. - Great. I'll just stay over here. Give you a little privacy. - Excuse me. - What? I got some other things to do today, if you're gonna be awhile. No no no no. I mean, I could go, and I could come back. There's no need for that. I can't do it. I cannot do it! Oh, hell, who needs this? Wait wait, look, I have no place to stay. No place to go. I'll need some money. Hey, what am I, the Salvation Army? You need money, go get a job and earn it. Come on, I'll buy you a drink. So why'd you want to end it all? - Nothing to live for. - You had a hard life? Not always. This time last year I had $10 million. Oh yeah, sure. I did. I had everything. I had a beautiful home in Beverly Hills. Beautiful wife and a beautiful mistress. A beautiful dog. Most beautiful of all, I had a son, Michael. He just graduated from college and was traveling through Europe. And I had a lot of good friends. Aram, you already got that full house? lt'll cost you 10 to find out. I'm out! Me too. Aram, I will... see your 10 and raise you 10. - Oh, be still my heart. - I fold. Now let us see. He needs a straight to beat what's showing, but three eights were already out. Now does he have the necessary eight of spades? Well, it'll cost you 10 to find out. Come on, come on. Wait, I have to do this logically. Will you notice Harry is looking me straight in the eye? For 20 years, whenever he looked anybody in the eye, forget it, he was bluffing. When he really had the goods, he just looked down at his hand. But a couple of months ago, he must have figured I was onto him because he reversed himself, and ooh, it worked. He did pretty good for a couple of weeks. But last week I realized what was going on, and I took him for a bundle. So this week, he has probably reversed himself again, which should mean he does not have the necessary eight of spades. Would you please put your money where your logic is? All right, all right, all right. 10 and I raise you 10. I will see your 10 and 20 more. I could be wrong, but a man has to do what a man has to do. - Did you say 20? - 20. 20 and I will raise you 30. Ooh, Harry, the price of poker just went up. I will see your 30, and I will raise you... one, two, three, four, five... 50! I am going to raise you 100. 100, 100, damn! I love it. I love it. I love it. This could go on all night. How could you be sure he didn't have the eight of spades? He could have been pulling a double reverse. He might have had it. That would have made two of us. You bastard, you. Oh, what a night. Good jokes, good pastrami, I made a bundle. And ooh, to top it off, I got to humiliate one of my closest friends. It doesn't get better than this. I had a thriving business. A business I built up from nothing, that I was very proud of. I had a dozen stores, but I treated each as if it were the only one. Come in. Sir, what can I do for you? Mr. Katourian, you're on another inspection tour, I see. No no, Mr. Macrae. I don't inspect. I spy. I spy on box boys, butchers, checkers.
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