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Главная / Упущенная галактика

Упущенная галактика

jkhelgiForester Akimych in miracles is not believed
He had no dreams
around midday
when he went from his district
-whence came citizen?
the police would have to surrender?O_o
your documents to arrive
transmitter block them! - Fast
I have a 1 hour for an important message
messages for creatures from a Galaxy 133
Where are creatures?
Where are creatures?
Where are creatures?
O_O - I have people)
Welcome to my home
-probably hungry while flying?
-I flew 10 000 000 light years!
( however, there lie much )
-Taste vegetables from my garden)
cucumber I treated you, yes, they do not grow in my
No problem O_o
-I had an acceleration in growth
-where your academic, scientists?
I have information from my galaxy
here concentrated our philosophy and science.
scientists in my woods-no
you gave your information
bad do not think, bite, will think about it
may want to wash hands
-on your planet, there is no water?
how yous washes?
bathe in electro magnetic waves
a shock, never beats?
Dinamych you would work for us, the price would not have
O_O Time is...
My galaxy is flying out
little you were visiting, well spend
-Fly with me Akimych?
would be happy to work, yes I have an important
a case will never happen again,
our galaxy fly forever-ever-ever...
( galaxies still fly )
never see each other
Subtitles from Slavnus SpacedustCreative Association "Ekran"
Akimych the forester didn't believe in miracles completely
and didn't see dreams at all.
Approximately about midday,
when he was going round his forest square...
Wherefrom will you be, citizen?
To the militia I ought to have handed him over... - Akimych have thought.
Having a document for the arriving?
The walkie-talkie rapidly turn off!
I have only one hour of the time.
For an important message.
For people from the Galaxy number a hundred and thirty three.
Where are people? Where are people? Where are people?
Eh, I am people indeed!
Eh... p... please visit the hat.
I dare say you have been starved from the trip?
It's mustn't be near!
A ten million light years.
They also good at fibbing, however. - Akimych have thought.
Won't be fastidious about - it's a vegetable from one's own kitchen garden.
I would offer you a cucumber, but they isn't growing, scoundrels!
Oh, it's all right.
I have produced acceleration of the growing.
Where are academicians? scientists? I have an information from our Glaxy.
Here is the concentration of our philosophy and science.
Do you ask scientists?
But where do you get their here?
You give to me the information, then.
Don't doubt! Have a bite to eat from the trip, we'll have turned this business over.
Eh... may be you're willing wash your hands?
So, you have no water there're.
And how do you wash yourself?
We bath in electromagnetic waves.
In electric...
And... aren't you hit by the current?
No, by no means.
Oh, would you work as Dynamo with us!
You would be invaluable!
It's time!
My Galaxy have been flying away.
It's very little you have stayed...
Well, let's go...
I'll see off, if it that.
Let's fly away with me, Akimych.
I'd glad to do, but the service, good man.
If only for an hour I would fly.
Such an opportunity won't repeat again.
Our Glaxies have been flying off for ever, for ever, for ever...
Do will fly in when again!
The Galaxies have been flying off anyway.
We'll never have seen. - Akimych have been thinking.
What the higher-ups should be bothered for?
The Lost Galaxy
of the same named story E. Shatko
Author of the script: A. Solin
Directors and Production designers: A Solin, I. Pshenichnaya
Camera operator: V. Milovanov
Sound technician: N. Kudrina
The roles are dubbed: L. Durov, N. Romashenko
On the film are worked: A. Yelizarov,  A. Koklov, S. Sichkar, I. Samokhin, O. Sidorkova, S. Simukhina, T. Borodina, E. Bobrovskaya
The end of the film
Creative Association "Ekran"
USSR Gosteleradio
1989 y.
subtitles: jkhelgi

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