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Муми-тролль и комета

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jkhelgiCreative Association "Ekran"
Once in a summer day,
Moominpappa sat back in the shade of a spreading pear
and was writing the memoirs...
I am, Moomintroll Senior,
continuing to write my reminiscences
about how I and my family
had settled in the Moomin blue valley.
In a small house,
which had been built by me... myself.
Together with me have been dwelling my wife - Moominmamma.
Moominmamma this is such kind of mamma,
who always permits everyone to do anything
and never forbids anybody from anything.
Children, we've dined without you.
The meal on a cooker. Eat whatever you want.
And also here have been dwelling Moomintroll Junior, our sonny,
and his friend Sniff, he's like a relative to us.
Based on the same named story Tove Marika Jansson
Moomin-troll and the comet
Late in a night, when everybody
had already been sleeping,
someone's plaintive voice awaked Moominpappa.
It's I am... The Muskrat.
Excuse me, that I disturb you about trifles.
The fact is that because of a flood
hm-hm-hm... my house is destroyed.
What a pity!
Come in, I beg you magnanimously!
This is an unnatural rain.
There's something in the air.
It's some indications.
It looks that a comet is flying towards us.
It's really like a star with a tail.
Like a comet. Like having a tail comet,
which is going in a black emptiness of the outer space.
And the comet... is it tasty?
Do not bother me, I am pondering.
I am pondering that all in the world are ephemeral.
And what is it - ephemeral?
Ephemeral means flimsy.
All in this world are flimsy and ephemeral...
Your hammock is ephemeral at that.
And when will the comet fly against the earth?
I have no idea.
Ask at professors in an observatory in the Lonely Mountains.
Mom! We together with Sniff are setting off
for the Lonely Mountains, to the observatory,
we'll sail in the raft.
All right, sonny.
Do will not forget, that Moominmamma this is such kind of mamma,
who always permits everyone to do anything.
Ah, how I wish I could set off together with them.
And Moominpappa has remembred those daring jorneys,
which he had been making in the days of his youth.
And the comet... is it scary?
And it is larger than what thing?
It is larger than nothing.
Who is that? What is that?
Why! This is Snufkin!
With his own harmonica!
And we are setting off for
the Lonely Mountains, to the observatory!
The comet is flying towards the earth!
But it's less than a fly!
But it's flying towards us!
And we want to look at stars in a great telescope!
It's need to say, that such a lonely wanderer,
as whom Snufkin had been and whom he have remained,
was possible to lure only with a long journey.
And Snufkin become agitated.
I also, I also like stars!
Before slumber I always look at them!
Then leap!
The tent! The tent have been left!
Why it's dark?!
I'm frightened!
The music flew up the mountains,
awoke echo by echo
and awoke... one Hemulen.
Noise, noise, noise, hush, hush...
someone is noising here!
Maybe it's insects, rare,
haven't yet been discovered by anybody!
Thank you, Hemulen.
You've saved us.
I wasn't saving you at all,
I had been catching some cave buzzer
for my collection.
Is this the Lonely Mountains?
Is this The Lonely Mountains?
I haven't been catching mountains,
I'm not interested in mountains.
What have we gone off for? For the comet.
The comet?!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hush, hush!
Does it fly?
Of course.
Oh! Oh! Is it a great rarity?
It comes once in a hundred years!
Oh! Oh, oh, oh, hush! Hush! Hush!
And how does it look?
Bright red and with a tail.
Oh! oh! oh!
And what do they eat?
They eat Hemulens.
And there's no any comet.
The Muskrat have made all up.
As you wish, I'm going home.
But we've agreed to stroll up to the observatory.
Let's go home and then we'll stroll up.
As you wish but I'm untying.
But you wanted yourself to look at stars at last.
So, look - so over there a star.
It isn't pleased
Муми-тролль и комета

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