EndMOSFlLM THE STONE FLOWER The Ural tale Screenplay by P. BAZHOV, l. KELLER Directed by A. PTUSHKO Cinematography by F. PROVOROV Production Designers M. BOGDANOV, G. MYASNlKOV Costume Designer O. KRUCHlNlNA Music by L. SHVARTS Cast: Danila-Craftsman - V. DRUZHNlKOV The Mistress of Copper Mountain - Tamara MAKAROVA Prokopyich - M. TROYANOVSKY Katya - Ye. DEREVSHCHlKOVA Granddad Slyshko - A. KELBERER Severyan - M. YANSHlN Landowner - N. TEMYAKOV Landowner's Wife - A. PETUKHOVA Old Craftsman - N. ORLOV Vikhorikha - L. DElKUN Yefimka - S. ZAlTSEV Danila-Boy - V. KRAVCHENKO About sixty years ago, at one of the Urals factories there was living out his days an old man named Slyshko. Hey, who's there? Who's loafing about the public bridge at such an untimely hour? By whose permission? That's us, kids form the factory. Don't you ''us'' me. Say it clearly who is coming. Sorry, granddad. We've come for fairy tales, grandpa. For fairy tales? What an idea! The fairy tales are only about the Speckled Hen and the golden egg, an all such stuff. Old women tell them to little babies. l guess you're too big to listen to them. And l cannot tell them. Those l knew l already forgot. l only remember ones about old times. And them are called not fairy tales, but folklore and narratives. And one cannot tell them to just anybody. One should be wary. You little starlings. Running about all day, shouting and waving your hands. Feel like making your ears work now? All right. l'll tell you one, about Danila the stone-carver, his bride Katya and the Mistress of Copper Mountain. - ls it a new fairy tale, granddad? - But don't you interrupt me! Those who listen carefully, will see everything as though with their own eyes. Well, listen now. There lived at our factory a craftsman named Prokopyich. He was the foremost about malachite things. No one knew the soul of stones better than he. But as he was getting old, Prokopyich felt sick more and more often. You know about stones, Prokopyich. And l know about herbs, which has what power. Some help from rheumatic pain, others from strain. Drink this, Prokopyich, it's from fever. There he is. l guess you've got a guest. Severyan Kondratyich himself! What a cruel man you are! Just you wait, we'll find a way to stop you. Shut up, old witch! The Mistress of Copper Mountain has long had her eye on you. l'll have you banished to Siberia for your witchery! Siberia is far away, and death is near, it won't overlook anybody. And she'll get to you, too. When will you finish the candlestick? You're getting me in a fix. The landowner isn't one of us, he won't listen to excuses. When he orders something, he wants it right away. l'll get stronger... ...and finish it. Yes, you sure got old, Prokopyich. Any day now we may have to bury you. And who will work on malachite then? l think l'd better tell Yefimka to send some smart boys to you. Teach them your malachite profession. Let them learn every little secret. Yet Prokopyich... either he was reluctant to part with his craft, or for some other reason, but he taught them very badly. Doing everything by spurt and prod. The stone, like man, has a soul. Not everybody can understand it. And here l got some little rascals to teach. What can they understand about stones? Why are you staring at me? You blockhead! Look at the stone, not me! At the stone! Learn to understand it! Who am l to teach now, Severyan Kondratyich? l guess, only myself. What good can come out of you, Danila? You're going to ruin your life. And will get me, the old man, into trouble, too. You know Severyan Kondratyich, if something happens, he'll have no mercy. What are you thinking about, anyway? l don't know myself, granddad. About nothing. Couldn't take my eyes off the flower. A bug was crawling over the leaf, itself all blue, and with something yellow showing ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Рэд на английском - текст Завещание профессора Доуэля на английском - текст Экипаж на английском - текст Горячий снег на английском - текст Гостья из будущего на английском |