The stones! We have failed in our duty... the Armageddon. We saved two of the stones. The amulet... does she still wear it? - It is gone. - His birth is still to come... and the battle is still to be fought. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be... Ere one can say ''It lightens.'' Sweet good night... This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast. O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied? What satisfaction canst thou have to-night? The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: Wouldst thou withdraw it? For what purpose, love? Whoa! Travis!? Sir? I cannot work under these conditions. Go on, go home. Same time tomorrow. I think what Shakespeare meant was... we should seize the moment. I don't think so, Andy. Travis? We've got to talk. - Hi, daddy. - Hi, hon. Oh, let's get out of here. - Good evening, Reverend. - Hey, Andy. You taking Samantha to the movies this weekend? - Yeah, I'd like to. - Bye, Andy. We'll see ya soon, Andy. Okay. Take care. Listen good, Devil boy. Samantha doesn't want anything to do with you. Her father doesn't want you near her... and I don't want your Satanic ass within a hundred yards of her. - You got that? - Lay off, Andy. Look at this, still reading comics. Bet you wish you were a superhero now, huh? Kenny, the mutant crusader and the ex-wimps. - Back off, Andy. - Come on. - I'm serious. - Show me your powers. Oh, shit! - Don't just stand there. - Butthead. (thunder clap) (wind howling) The sign of his birth. Woman's voice: What are you doing still home? Well, you're gonna be late. No, that's going to be a surprise. Now, hurry up or you'll miss the eclipse. (hangs up phone) Now, Obelisk, I need your opinion. Do you think he'll like this? Bark once for yes and... (growling) Hmm, a growl, huh? You probably need glasses anyway. Now where did I put grandma's necklace? Here it is. Hey, it is our only family heirloom. What do you think he'll think about this? Obelisk, no. Stay away. (yelping) Don't you want to give your boy a kiss, mother? Let me in, mother. Let me in. Fuck you! (screams) Boy: You're up late. You too. I heard you making coffee. Sorry, look, it's fresh, hot... Why don't you have a cup? I've got school tomorrow. Afraid you'll lose? No. Then, come on. Sit down and let's finish this one last game. (sighs) Dad, I'm gonna come home for holidays and stuff. I know, but... let's play. It's your move. Oh, yeah. Right. Dad... Nice move. Are you okay, dad? Sure. It must be the moon or something. You thinking about mom? She would have been real proud of you, son. Is there something you want to tell me, dad? Yeah... I love you, Kenny. (distorted voice) You were born at my grace to serve only me. What does that command? There are five stones like the one she wears. You must possess them all. Thy will be done. You will have six days to complete my task. When the sun emerges from the darkness... your time will pass. She, the force creator shall guide you. (buzzer sounds) Surprise! Who the hell are you? Mmmm... black. (horns honking, tires squealing) What are you, some kind of idiot? (laughing) It's the devil. Hey, buddy, you must have bricks for balls... or you must be one stupid yuppie. Is this your carriage? Yeah, this is my carriage. I wish to be transported to Chicago. Get the fuck out of my face, blondie. I like you, Hector. Hey, sweetheart, I missed you last night. ...this boy from Spokane... ...threw his second no-hitter this season. The Giant's ain't going to bring him up early. But I say, hell, take the diaper off him and let him pitch. Well... Good evening, friends. Doesn't ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Космические пришельцы на английском - текст Десять негритят на английском - текст Пираты XX века на английском - текст Военно-полевой роман на английском - текст Львиное сердце на английском |