(DOG BARKING) (PAWS PATTERING) (HUMMING) You. Don't you dare. (GRUNTING) Never. Come back here, you mutt. (BICYCLE BELL RINGING) (EXCLAIMING) (SCREAMING) Hey, what... Hey, no! No! (SCREAMING) Ah-ha! (GRUNTING) Don't let him escape. (GROANING) (ALL GRUNTING) Come on. Come on. Come on. Get him. Come back here. (ALL GROANING) Get him! The dog, the dog. Get the dog. My beret. Careful. Be careful. Careful. (SHOUTING) (ALL GROAN) (SQUEAKING) Mark my words, I'll get you someday. You! I'm gonna get you. (PAWS PATTERING) (BILLY SNORING) (GASPS) (SCREAMS) Ah! I have been looking all over for this guy. Dad, are you trying to give me a heart attack? Billy, what have I told you about playing with the animals? Pete here isn't just any lizard. He's a professional actor. And because you were horsing around, he's late. So I'm late. Horsing around? Horsing around. (SQUAWKS) (CHIRPS) (SQUEAKING) (QUACKING) Hey, guys. I found Pete. Yay! (SQUAWKING) Hey, Sticky. Breakfast. I didn't forget about you, Spencer. Okay, everybody, have a good day. Come on, Dad. You come on. We're late. I've got to get to the set. It's fine. It still crackles. Water? Dad, really? Hey, hey. Go get it. Go get it. Come on, Billy boy! Let's go! Let's go! Here you go, Pete. How's my star? Oh, yeah. Looking good. Looking good. Billy, come on! You know, it's better to be an hour early than a second late. Success depends on it. Maybe if I work real hard I can be the head lizard guy on some dumb movie. I'm sorry, what was that? Nothing. Mmm-hmm. (ENGINE STARTING) Okay, buddy, what's with the attitude? You have all these freaky animals all over the place. And all I want is a dog. Billy, we've talked about this. Lots of people have dogs. I don't know anyone else who has a lizard as a pet. Hey, that lizard is not my pet. That lizard is my job. We don't have room for a dog. We don't have money for a dog. At the very least, it'd be a huge distraction for the training. Dogs are pets, and we don't have pets. No dogs, buddy. I'm sorry. Whatever, Dad. Okay. Well, have a good day, and don't forget to check in with Mrs. Hollinger when you get home. I love you. "Yep. I love you too, Dad." Man. (SCHOOL BELL RINGING) Hi. Photo ID. Really? It's just that I'm so late. You know, I work here every day. Photo ID. It's me. Jerk. Thank you very much. Thank you. (GATE BUZZES) Eddie. Eddie, you're late! Do you think it's part of my job to be waiting for my assistant to show up? I don't think so. I'm sorry, Sal. I had trouble with the lizard. Don't want the excuses. I just want the lizard! Now, did you teach it a trick? He's got it, all right. It's a good trick. Good trick. Better be. Better be. Let's go. Almost time for Frizzy's close-up. (SIGHS) Need to compose. Yeah. That was 74, then 53A. And make sure the props get set. Director's on set. Now, in this scene Fanny... LISA: Frizzy. What? The dog's name is Frizzy. What did I say? Fanny. Whatever. The dog gets chased by a snake. A lizard. I thought we had a snake. Snakes are too expensive. Patricia made me re-write it. What kind of picture are we making, anyway? It's a dog picture. That is not a dog. I grew up in the projects. I know a rat when I see one. She's a bichon frise. What? She's like a poodle, but not. It's a metaphor for life's struggle against conformity. Look, I don't care what it is. Let's just shoot this so I can put the final nail in the coffin of my career. Sal? Yes, Herr director. Would you get the girly dog and the snake so we could do this? Absolutely, sir. And, sir, I can't wait for you to see the trick I just taught the lizard. Very complicated. I'm amazed I was able to accomplish it. Get the dog. Yes, sir. Who are you? Are you on payroll? I'm Eddie. I'm like the assistant animal trainer. Good for you. So, is that ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Малышка на миллион на английском - текст Драка друзей на английском - текст В синем море, белой пене... на английском - текст Собачье сердце на английском - текст Хупер на английском |