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Главная / Закон Мерфи

Закон Мерфи

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There's no Guido.
This is the penthouse? I got a large
sausage and mushroom pizza for Guido.
- How did you get up here anyway?
- The elevator, anchovy-breath.
The elevator
don't come up here without a key.
It did for me.
All I know is somebody owes me $9.75.
I'm not budging till I get paid.
I wouldn't if I didn't have to,
Where's Vincenzo?
Mm. Ooh.
I think I'm gonna like that. Mm.
Ooh, yeah.
Do it.
Mm. Do it now.
Mm. Do it now.
Oh, baby.
- Do it. Mm...
- Hey, hot pants.
If you know what's good for you, get out.
- Lock her in the bathroom.
- Come on, Goldilocks.
You son of a bitch.
You killed my ex-wife and my best friend.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Then you had me framed
for their murders.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Does your mother know what you do?
I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
No, you just paid someone else to do it.
- And I want his name.
- I don't have a name.
You're crazy, Murphy.
You're just crazy. You're really nuts.
We're gonna play a little roulette.
One bullet left.
I want a name.
- Give me a name, Frank.
- I...
You're running out of luck, Frank.
Help me! Danny! Ow!
Three left, Frank. Give me a name.
I don't have a name.
- A name.
- I didn't hurt anybody.
I didn't kill anybody. I didn't.
I didn't. I didn't. I didn't.
- Two more left, Frank.
- I didn't.
The chances are 50-50, Frank.
I hate to say it,
but I think he's telling the truth.
The gun was empty, Frank.
- So much for your big play. Now what?
- I don't know yet.
Great. We're wanted for murder, we've got
a Mafia psycho who wants to bury us
and you're out of ideas?
Thanks a lot, douche bag.
If you don't wanna hang around, go.
- Thanks for keeping my seat warm.
- Murphy, you ain't worth shit,
but right now you're all I got.
Aw, shit, Jack.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
If I help you and the department finds out,
I could lose my badge, my pension,
my career, and I owe up to here.
My life is on the line.
Someone's framed me for three murders.
If I don't find out who,
they'll put me away for a long time.
Come on, weenie roast. Help the guy out.
Butt out, sweetheart.
Nobody's talking to you.
- Have a hernia, motor-mouth!
- Why don't you park your tongue?
Why don't you pull on it?
If you can find it.
Why don't the both of you shut up?
Jesus Christ!
What is this, romper room?
Art, I've run out of options.
You have to help me.
What do you want?
I want a list of homicide cases
that Wilcove and I worked on.
Someone we put away for a lot of years.
Got out in the last couple of months.
- To do that I gotta use the computer.
- Yeah.
- Where will I get authorisation for that?
- You'll find a way.
Oh, right. Thanks.
You're welcome, dildo-nose.
How much money
do I pay you clowns to protect me?
What happens? Some cop waltzes in here,
you don't do a goddamn thing about it.
Put the word on the street. $10,000
to anybody who knows where Murphy is.
I want him. You hear me?
And you better find him for me,
or there's gonna be four corpses
floating in the goddamn marina!
- Don't you have something to do?
- No.
What am I, a TV?
Maybe you want to look at me,
but I don't want to look at you.
Who says I wanna look at you?
Sometimes I got a big mouth.
No comment.
- It's one of my faults.
- You have faults?
- You ain't no charmer either, you know.
- Oh, yeah?
- Wanna sandwich?
- Sure.
- No mayonnaise.
- How can you eat a sandwich without it?
- I don't like mayonnaise.
- Everybody likes mayonnaise.
I don't like mayonnaise.
OK. No mayonnaise.
- How old are you, kid?
- Why?
- Just wondering.
- How long have I been stealing cars?
I know to you I'm just a lowlife.
The way I see it, being a thief
is better than being a whore.
I never said you were a lowlife.
Eat your sandwich.
How old are you?
Too old.
For what?
You're not so bad. You stop
Закон Мерфи Закон Мерфи

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