2008During the war an American bomber made an emergency landing - - somewhere in the south of Norway. Eight men parachuted out and each had their own experience. The ninth man died. It was left to Unit 15 and other good people - - to find the parachutists before the Germans. This film tells the story of how they went about it. It is loosely based on the experiences of those involved. This film has been made possible through the participation of Unit 15. With thanks for their advice and guidance, we proudly present: EMERGENC Y LANDING Based on an idea by Colbjorn Helander It's an American. - Yes? - Drop everything and get going. Drop? Are you out of your mind? I'm holding explosives. Then put them down carefully. Report to London and meet up at the church. Use only the smartest men. Bye. You're a highly inflammable gardener. - Can you smell the gas? - Not that much. You're sailing the Yankees to Sweden. Explosives one way, Yankees the other way. How many? I don't know yet. They're lying all over the place. How many were there an where were they? Did they Ian in the lake? Or in the woods, maybe? Or maybe in the village? I didn't have a clue. But the skipper wasn't the only one who had a surprise. It was a Sunday. And we didn't know if they'd managed to hide. We didn't know if they were all alive. My head was full of questions - - as I got on my bike an started the search. Beat it! Clear out! - You have to... - How is he? Both his legs are broken and his face is burned. Come on! - Okay, go and pick berries. - I'm 20, but pretending to be a boy. Forget about your age. Report on the plane and get back to the church. Okay? Henrik told you to come at once. He's found something. - I didn't hang that there. - No, and you've never seen it. Where is he? The Germans won't find him if they keep going straight. How do you say stole pa? Where did they go? If they're told to go straight ahead, they just march on. He's waking up. Come on, Henrik. We have to drag him. - He'll pass out with that leg. - Come on. They found one. Hurry! Let me. - Did you see any more? - No, just him. Get back as soon as you can, okay? - Did you hear me? - Yes. I was so frightened. Too frightened to deliver a message? - No, I feel better now. - Good. Listen up now. The message is that an organ player named Alf Sanerud has arrived. There are orders to eliminate him. He's a dangerous informer who specializes in church communities. His alias is Strawman as he's always chewing a straw. Morning. Huh? - You're the bell-ringer? - I am indeed. - It's a beautiful, old church. - Too old and too beautiful. Would it be possible to see it? - You're interested in culture? - Yes. - You would like to see the church? - Yes. When we have visiting hours, I sit up there and ring the bell - - and anyone can come and visit the church. It's Edvardsen. A good old hymn... Edvardsen... You have to get hold of Knut. - Are we getting a new lodger? - Yes. And he has to fix a leg. Won't he scream? Sing as loud as you can and no one will hear. Hans... Don't forget that it's today your marriage is announced. I won't. Tell Kristin I'll go and see her when she's playing. - Was your wedding announced? - No, in a minute. Yes, that's my sweetheart. What's the word for unerkjole? Today I announce the marriage of the organ player, Kristin Tonnesen - - and the gardener, Hans Ellingsen. May God bless your life together - - and spread peace in your hearts and your home. May your future be bright under the Lord's love and care. How long will you postpone it this time? You're wrong, my dear. Your groom has gotten hold of all we need today. Stop talking nonsense. We've got the captain in the attic. He's given us his parachute as a wedding present. There'll be 12 of each, just like in the old
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