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Democratic campaign rallies.
They investigated Democratic private lives.
They planted spies, stole documents,
and on and on.
Now, don't tell me you think this is
all the work of little Don Segretti.
The FBl and Justice know this?
Why don't you pick up
your messages more often?
Who's Pete Teller?
l haven't the slightest idea.
l have this whole place to take care of.
Do you guys know about the Canuck letter?
Yep. l'm sorry, l'm late.
l just wanted to make sure
you knew who wrote it.
You mean the letter that sabotaged
the Muskie candidacy?
All right, come here.
When did he tell you this?
Tell him what you told me.
Here, sit down.
Just exactly the way you said it to me,
just say it to him.
Ken Clawson told me he wrote
the Canuck letter.
The letter that said Muskie
was slurring the Canadians.
The Deputy Director of White House
Communications wrote the Canuck letter.
-When did he tell you this?
-When we were having drinks.
-Where were you?
-My apartment.
When did you say he told you?
Two weeks ago.
What else did he say?
He didn't say anything?
You're hedging.
Did he say it to impress you
to get you to go to bed with him?
-No, l want to hear her say it.
Do you think he said it to impress you
to try to get you to go to bed with him?
Why did it take you two weeks
to tell us this, Sally?
l guess l don't have the taste
for the jugular you guys have.
You're claiming it was a misunderstanding?
Absolutely. Sally's got it all wrong.
I never told her...
...I wrote that letter. We were just
shooting the breeze about the election.
She's an awfully good reporter.
l don't remember her getting
that much wrong before, do you?
That's a real bullshit question, Woodward.
That is a question straight
out of Wichita, Kansas.
Listen. One last thing.
Do you remember where
this ''shooting-the-breeze'' took place?
What do you mean, where?
l mean, was it a restaurant,
or her apartment, or a bar...?
I'd forgotten the entire incident, but it
most certainly wasn't in her apartment.
Do you remember when it took place?
I don't have time for this. I'm a busy man.
What did he say about
meeting in a bar or restaurant?
He said he forgot the entire incident.
-That means he didn't deny it.
-That's a non-denial denial.
Wichita, Kansas?
He said that's a bullshit question.
l know what he said.
But, l'm from Wheaton, lllinois.
He's on the phone.
Get over there on line four
and transcribe this, will you?
Sally, for Christ's sake,
don't tell them I came to your place!
Why not? What's wrong with
coming over for a drink?
You and me?
In your apartment?
Jesus Christ, you just shot me down!
If it appears in the papers that
I'm over at your house, having....
Do you know what that does?
No, l don't see why.
You don't? You don't?
There's nothing bad about it.
Well, there sure is!
This is just incredible!
l have a clear conscience.
Sally, I have a wife and a family,
and a dog and a cat!
She said he was in her house
having a drink.
l don't care where it happened.
What happened is what counts.
When we asked him about it,
he said he forgot the entire incident.
Ken Clawson on the line.
Ken! What's up kid?
This whole thing
that's going on over there...
...I want you to know that I never
claimed authorship of the Canuck letter!
Says he never wrote the letter.
It's some kind of misunderstanding--
Slow down, Ken. You sound frazzled.
Please listen. If you're going to
refer to that alleged conversation...
...with Sally Akin, you can't print
that it took place in her apartment!
I have a wife and a family,
and a dog and a cat!
''A wife and a family, and a dog and a cat.''
Right, Ken. Right.
l don't want to print
that you were in Sally's apartment.
Thank God!
l just want to know
what you said in Sally's apartment.
I just got a tip from our FBI source.
The secret cash fund financed Segretti.
All right. Now listen.
Chapin hired
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