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Вам и не снилось...

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  
Katya and l are in love with each
other. l want you and dad to know it.
l think l'm a one-woman man, mom.
Let's pretend l haven't
heard anything,
or otherwise we'll have
to take you to a loony bin.
- You'll have millions of those Katyas!
- Stop it, mom!
lt's all your fault!
Yourjumps, your suits!
Roma, hi, sonny.
Stop your hysterics.
Leave him alone.
He fell in love.
Why panic?
Don't you know what today's
young people are like?
Young people are always the same.
Roma, what are you doing?
Working on my mathematics.
One can get as much help from you
as milk from a he-goat.
Vera, first of all, don't touch him.
And who is she?
Can you imagine, mother, she's
the daughter of that Kostya's thing.
What Kostya's thing?
l don't remember such name.
Mother, it's not a name.
Remember that
mad love of Kostya?
That woman who
rejected him long ago.
- Lyusia?
- Yes!
lf she called him now,
he wouldn't even think twice.
And the girl is no better than
her mother. Just as bad.
What do l do, mother?
Calm down, Vera.
You must show character and will.
They even make rivers flow back.
What love can there be at 1 7?
Who sent the telegram?
What difference does it make?
We got it over the phone.
l'm going to resign from work.
The doctor won't certify
a phone telegram.
What can we do?
Of course you have to resign.
And we'll live on the money
from your sick leaves?
Why aren't you saying anything?
Father is right, we should've
brought grandma here long ago.
- Can we bring her here now?
- What are you talking about?
No doctor will allow to move
a seriously sick patient.
l have to resign and go there.
You'll never get
such a job again.
To hell with this job!
How much time will it take?
A week? A month? Two months?
How can you count?
l have to count.
Before you decide anything,
l could go.
What about your school?
Well, l could go
to school there for a while.
- lt's impossible.
- Possible.
l'm willingly sacrificing myself.
lt's all wrong.
lt's all wrong.
Why doesn't your mother go?
She didn't work for a long time
because l was sick.
Then she was lucky
to get a job in her specialty.
Your grandmother,
is she really bad?
Pre-stroke condition. lt's like
pre-infarction condition.
- What's worse?
- Both are pretty bad.
Katya, you try
to study a little, okay?
What for, Roma? What for?
Well, at least for me.
l'm living for you,
and you say 'study'.
Don't leave.
Katya, please don't suffer, okay?
l don't understand why we have
to suffer. What's the point?
Lovers were suffering
at all times.
That's a tradition with the Lord God.
Let's die together.
l'm all for it.
Only in one hundred years.
l would agree even in 50.
lt's not enough, old girl.
l still have so much to do.
Never mind.
lf only l could always
hear your voice, like now.
Nothing easier. Want me to record
a whole cassette of me talking?
Yes, do it. You may say anything,
even a multiplication table.
There's no such person here.
l've already told you that
several times, my dear.
Please don't call again.
No, you're not wrong,
this is our number.
Roma dear, here you are at last.
Yes, here l am.
Hi, grandma.
How are you?
How can l be, honey?
The doctor came, it's the same.
Anyone called from Moscow?
Your mother called yesterday.
She promised to come to relieve you.
- And no one else called?
- No, no one.
- Any letters?
- No.
She's already forgotten
your name, you can believe me.
All those loves of yours...
Just chimera, smoke.
- lt's just a whim.
- Grandma.
How can you say that?
Katya, listen to
my multiplication table.
3 x 3 = 9.
3 x 6 = 18.
And that's terrific, because
after 18 we'll get married.
How about your wedding garb?
l suggest gray shorts,
a sleeveless T-shirt
and red sandals.
And this is my last word,
like 2 x 2 = 4.
Don't even think about staying
in the same grade for a second year,
or l'll have to marry
a girl without high-
Вам и не снилось... Вам и не снилось...

Читайте также:
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Знакомство на английском
- текст Поздняя весна на английском
- текст Мистер Норт на английском
- текст Бабье лето на английском
- текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском

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