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Главная / Сибирский цирюльник

Сибирский цирюльник

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secrets in front of...
Where did he go? Oh, yes...
Tell it to me quickly, because I
have to catch a train to Warsawa,
to play Lady Macbeth there, but I'm
sure, it doesn't interest you at all.
Oh yes, mother, it does pretty much.
I only need some money, only 3 rubles.
Where's my cape? I'll need it...
There it is.
So, you're telling me that you
need 3 rubles? Only 3 rubles?
Like I already said, Nikolaj...
- Tea?
- For whom? We had tea already.
...that the young people today...
Ohh, my nails...
Young people today are...
Where is my cigarette?
They are so...
You've got matches, so
you smoke actually!
- But of course....
- No, I don't!
Tell me, Andrej... Tell
me, dear friend:
Did you ever thhink about,
how difficult my life is?
I need only 3 rubles, Mama.
I sacrificed my career because
of this person...
- I refused so many...
- Mother, have a nice trip!
Where is the stuff I take
when I feel bad?
So I refused it...
Andrej, I'd like to...
No one is here, I'm speaking to no one!
No "hello", no "good bye"...
I think, this would be more effective.
3 rubles, and she started...
- And Nikolaj too...
- Here. Take it.
- What?!
- They're only 3 rubles.
You can pay it back later.
Take it.
Thank you, Dunjascha.
I broke something and need
to repair it quickly.
I'll pay you back - I promise.
Пол очень скользкий!
Кто организатор этого бала?
Что, кроме моих девочек,
некому развлекать гостей?
- Your shoelace...
- Thank you, Maschenka.
Мне еще не хватало погибнуть
под колесами рояля!
Why didn't they write it in russian.
This was done on purpose.
Генерал Радлов!
Генерал Радлов, что же вы
такой каток устроили?
Сделайте же что-нибудь!
Графиня, мой каптенармус
неважно читает по-французски
и купил французскую мастику
для школьных розыгрышей.
Называется "Сюрприз".
Сделайте что-нибудь немедленно!
Let the orchestra play then.
It's so strange, and if you'll
think about the dancing...
- It's too dangerous, Your Excellency.
- Do something!
Это немыслимо!
О, миссис Каллаген!
Why don't you play anything?
Maestro, somebody has stolen
our colophonium.
- Send somebody to get some more.
- Already happened...
Китти, золотце мое!
Извините, госпожа Каллаген,
мой каптенармус, болван.
Мы так благодарны вам!
Я обожаю Россию.
Они канифолью
натерли подошвы сапог.
How long yet, gentlemen?
Kitty, come here little doggy.
She gives a great brush.
Put on more, I'm heavy!
My father always had it,
when he was hunting.
Never slipped out the saddle.
Kitty, serve your country.
Quickly, give the dog to me.
- She smells perfumed.
- Ready?
Tolstoi, Anna Karenina is freezing
waiting for you to dance with.
Buturlin, stop the sniffing,
real girls are upstairs.
- Tolstoi, what's up with you?
- And with you?
Cadets... Position!
- Графиня! Ваша Китти.
- Спасибо, мой дорогой!
Прекрасные юноши!
Вы выручили своего генерала.
Ну, все! Теперь, наконец, танцы!
Дамы и господа!
Приготовьтесь к вальсу!
Кавалеры приглашают дам!
Маэстро! Вальс!
Вы можете подняться.
Gentlemen... For me too!
- Ready?
- Yes, Your Excellency!
Young ladies... one!
One, two!
Turn around... one!
One, two!
Please, go quickly in pairs...
Yes, say it later...
- Ladies...!
- Next time we'll meet longer!
The ladies are going to bed.
Good bye.
So, gentlemen, I went over to proceed
deepening my research about the
progressive corset fashion
- and notice: she doesn't wear one!
- Really?
And even more: I haven't
found any corsage either!
But later I discovered a little mole
underneath the left shoulder blade.
Do you know something about...
this mole?
Weren't you exploring it during
the train journey?
Граф, прошу замолчать.
А что вы все время
просите меня, Толстой?
Вы ведете себя так, будто у вас
есть права на эту американку.
That seems so...
Ну, спели при ней разок по пьянке,
мы из-за вас "аистом" отстояли.
But really!?
А теперь уж и
Сибирский цирюльник Сибирский цирюльник

Читайте также:
- текст Водитель для Веры на английском
- текст Меченосец на английском
- текст Тринадцатый апостол на английском
- текст Чудо на 34-й улице на английском
- текст Жидкое небо на английском

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