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Сатурн 3

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you anything?
Some herbal?
- I'll just take some blues.
- Blues?
Blues. Blue dreamers.
Sleeping pills?
You've never heard of blues?
You lead a shut life here.
I choose to be here.
Here... In case
you choose to try one.
- One thing I envy him.
- What's that?
He's breathed.
We lead a shut life here.
It must be something
to go outside and breathe.
When I was last there,
if you breathed,
the pollution count
would rust your tubes!
What do you think
of the captain?
- He's funny.
- Funny?
I must have missed
his best lines.
- Adam?
- Hmm?
What are blues?
- Blue dreamers.
- Where did you get that?
From him.
He had no business
giving you this.
What do they do?
When they send
someone out alone,
they give them these
to stop them going static.
Did you ever take one?
- Blue dreamers?
- Did you?
Years ago.
- What was it like?
- Huh?
You heard me.
Let's try one... together.
- Maybe.
- Come on.
After he goes.
How long will he be here?
No longer than I can help.
Do your best to make him feel
at home, huh?
- Sally.
- Shut in the lab.
I'll get her.
There you are.
No taction contact.
Come here, Sally.
Sally, where are you?
Come on. Sally?
- It has a name?
- Of course she has a name.
- You never had a dog?
- A few times.
Didn't they ever have names?
- Just something to eat.
- Give her to me. Don't.
It's time for bed, Captain.
Yes, you have a great body.
May I use it?
- I'm with the major.
- For his personal use only?
That's penally unsocial
on Earth, you know that?
Well, it's not here.
Enjoy your blues.
Come on.
Come into my quarters.
We'll discuss your problem.
Looks like he's building
his own place.
He's not travelling light.
Maybe I should help him.
Why? He's here to help us.
He's so strange.
That's a lot of stuff.
How long are you staying?
Till I'm done.
What have you got for us?
It's the best. The latest robot.
- We've got three.
- They're not much help.
This one's different.
Different, huh?
It's the first
of the Demi-God series.
Alex? Where'd you get that name?
It's what the major calls me.
I know why
you deny me hospitality.
You have
the run of the place.
I mean you. Your body is
beautiful. I'd like to use it.
I'm not interested.
On Earth, we use our bodies
for pleasure.
No, thanks.
You're afraid of me,
aren't you?
I'm not afraid of anyone.
You're afraid he'll be jealous.
He will be jealous.
He's frightened of new ways.
He's obsolete. He's prob...
Pure brain tissue.
This is an unborn.
It hasn't a thing
on its mind... yet.
Then it has to be programmed.
It takes a human 20 years...
- I'll need four weeks.
- Four weeks?
Once it's together,
- it will take over...
- Take over?
With help.
- Then what?
- One of you will be obsolete.
We can apply for remission
together, can't we?
We have to find a way
to stay together.
The truth is,
I'm close to abort time.
I hoped they'd forgotten us.
They never
seem to forget.
Alex! I've got it.
We flush the captain
and his friend into space.
You wouldn't do that.
Why? People are flushed
all over the solar system.
- No one cares!
- It's a horrible idea.
It's a great idea.
- Blue dreamers?
- Mm-hmm.
Why not?
I don't feel anything.
You always want instantaneous
Do you miss it?
Maybe it's different now.
Yeah, maybe it's worse.
That pill's getting to you.
I think you ought
to go to Earth.
You said I'd hate it.
Find out for yourself
you hate it.
I don't want to go.
Yes, you do.
- I just want to have been.
- So have been.
- And leave you?
- It'll happen sooner or later.
Quiet, please.
You're blocking him.
Meet Hector.
Give it an instruction.
Ask something.
- Hector?
- Yes.
Hector, hand the flask
to the major.
Glad you didn't ask him
to shake hands.
Wheel and peditate.
there's some
Сатурн 3 Сатурн 3

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