Primer Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to read this... and you're going to listen, and you're going to stay on the line. You're not going to interrupt. You're not going to speak for any reason. Now, some of this you know. I'm going to start at the top of the page. Meticulous, yes. Methodical. Educated. They were these things. Nothing extreme. Like anyone, they varied. There were days of mistakes and laziness and infighting. And there were days, good days, when by anyone's judgment... they would have to be considered clever. No one would say that what they were doing was complicated. It wouldn't even be considered new. Except maybe in the geological sense. They took from their surroundings what was needed... and made of it something more. -We haven't even set up an appointment. -What order date did you put on this? -The 28th. Why? -I don't know.... Yeah, I'm putting 28th. Have you thought any more about what you want to put forward? -Not really. -Because I was-- I mean I haven't changed my mind or anything. Phillip and I were talking, and we think it could be good. It'd be fun. Nobody's saying it wouldn't be fun. The time for jacking around with tesla coils and ball lightning in the garage is over. Maybe you should try it on your own in your free time. My free time? The free time after the 50 hours a week at work... or after the 30 hours of free time I already spend in that garage? And it's not a tesla coil. I could save a few minutes a day by eating on the toilet. How many patents do we have? In the last 14 months? -Did you sign the agreement? -Nobody signed the agreement. Doesn't matter, we're sticking to the agreement. Name one thing out of that garage that's remotely profitable. I don't see anybody quitting their jobs because of it. Are you? Abe just means that right now the JTAG cards are it. When you look at the addresses, we have a lot of apartments. A lot of residences. But these are not the bulk orders to the OEMs or retail giants. -These are the quiet basement-- -Hackers. Yeah, hacker wannabes testing their dads' old motherboards. And I know that a lot of that is my fault, admittedly, you know. With everything last year, and the doubletalk we were getting from Platts... -and all the stuff we won't get into now-- -We should get into it. I'm sorry. What? Go ahead. Tell him. We should get into it. I talked to my brother today. He knows of two other cases like that at his firm. -Let Platts know that we're talking about it. -Look, forget Platts. This has got to be about what has the best chance of going to market... and what is going to get us vC attention. Look, I stuck by you guys when it was your turn. And I wasn't 100°%° sure of what we were doing... or even if I didn't agree, maybe. But if it's my turn... if we're still playing by the rules, then this is what I want to try. Here, take it. They said it wouldn't hold a freeze. Robert, please. It's not going to hold. -It's going to go bad in my car. -It'll go bad here. Okay, thanks. -Good night, all. -See you. -We just got done giving this huge speech-- -We gave the speech? We just got done. It was five minutes ago. I'm the one that forced the issue. They're onto us because I suck as the bad cop. -You should do it. You could fake it better. -I don't know about that. As long as we're going down this road where it's eighth grade physics... and happy fun time out in that garage, I think we could stand to try this. Phillip and Robert are gung ho on theirs, and that's fine. But you know I have no interest in that. I know you have no interest, besides the fact... that Phillip and Robert don't even need us. They just want to use the equipment. For what I want to do? We don't need them. Not even Phillip, because it doesn't need software. -Is she asleep? -No, and she needs a bath. -She'll wind up in the closet if I do it. -That's fine. You know,
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