EndGorky Film Studio USSR DEFA Film Studio GDR in association with Sovinfilm Screenplay by lngeburg KRETZSCHMAR Valentin YEZHOV Vladimir YEZHOV Vladimir FOKlN Directed by Vladimir FOKlN Director of Photography Sergey FlLlPPOV Production Designer Erich KRULLKE Music by Eduard ARTEMYEV English Subtitles by T. Kameneva Starring Captain Tsvetov - Boris TOKAREV Sergeant Chrishchanowitch Yuri NAZAROV Private Kurykin Mikhail KOKSHENOV Pinsel - Olaf SCHNElDER Also starring Tessa - Ute LUBOSCH Hubner - Gerry WOLFF Friedel - Walfriede SCHMlTT Rusanov - Nikolai SKOROBOGATOV Peter - Olaf BODDEUTSCH lrmgard - Jana LENZ Martha - Brit BAUMANN Ralle - Stefan MARTH Felix - Andreas GUTOWSKl Loberg Gerd Michael HENNEBERG Flechsig - Harald WARMBRUNN LlTTLE ALEXANDER Stop, Kurykin. Pull over. Park it here. Well, girls, how you doing? Comrade Sergeant, how about some grub? - You starved? - Sure. On the bank Katyusha stepped out... Here, the very last, the sweetest. That's it, guys. We've run out of it. ln an hour. ln ein hour. Alright, then. Everyone be here in an hour. Girl! You. Come here. You. Come, don't be afraid. Here. One moment. All right, bitte now. Shall we roll? We're being transferred, Akimych. Who's transferred? They're sending me to Berlin, to a newspaper. They say they need people who know the language. So we're parting, right? No such luck. l did my best trying to get rid of you. No, they say, comrade captain, you'll need... ...a driver anyway. And without the sergeant... What without the sergeant? Without the sergeant, they say, the newspaper will never come out. Yes, it's a real pity. Comrade Captain. The new appointment calls for a drink. What's this? lt's their schnapps. l've tasted it personally. lt's quite drinkable. What a bouquet! So you drink it personally, Kurykin. Why? l like it. Oh, she's got company there. Yes. Shall we go and get acquainted? Akimych has already signed them up for rations. Let's go, huh? Bon appetite, Fraulein. Thank you. May we come in? Are you living here? No, we're just staying, we're refugees. What's your name, boy? He's scared, silly. He's my brother Peter. And l'm lrmgard. Shut up. l didn't say anything wrong. Drop it, kid. Drop it, it doesn't suit you. He got hit by hot tar during a bombing raid. Kurykin, give him your forage cap. We'll get you a new one. Sure you'll get it. All right. Do you have parents? Father was killed in Russia by yours. Do you have any idea what he was doing there? And Mother's buried over there, by the road. We're refugees. Stop whimpering. So you're orphans. No family at all? Do you have any relatives? Yes, in Berlin. Uncle Manfred and our aunt. Here. Berlin? You're lucky. Do you want to go with us? They have relatives in Berlin. Shall we take them along? l'm not going. You want us to be sent to Siberia? You silly. l'd love to go to Siberia. But l got a lot of work here. Let's go. Greetings, beautiful! How can we get downtown? Go there, straight ahead. Get rolling, Kurykin. Thanks. Greetings, Comrade Captain. Are they yours? Mine. Don't they look like me? - Not exactly. - You don't say. - Do you have any of your own? - Not yet. Don't despair, we'll have some born. lf you wish, we can let you have one. Thanks, l'll manage on my own. You can never do it on your own. Kurykin! Are all of your subordinates so knowledgeable? l'm ready. lt's no good to be late. lt's already 4 minutes after 9. l'm sorry, Tessa. The edition was delayed. Let's go. lt'd be good to live with someone like her. She'll feed you on time, she'll put you to bed on time. And she'll do on time everything else. - Me, for example... - Kurykin! - What? - Spare us your examples. Wait for me here. Really, Kurykin. l spare no effort teaching you to be cultured. Why is it always Kurykin? l want you to do something. This place, ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Первые на Луне на английском - текст Аэроплан! на английском - текст Кавказский пленник на английском - текст Eorin shinbu на английском - текст Жидкое небо на английском |