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It'll be fun
cruising on the bike.
- Changes will be made
after new negotiations,
- according to Matti Vanhanen,
the Finnish Prime Minister.
- Finland will lead the ESB
from the 1 st of July...
See what daddy brought you!
Don't I get a kiss?.
Look at him,
isn't he cute?.
- How are you?.
Did you just bring a cat?.
- Yes.
Have you completely lost it?.
- What do you mean?.
What are you thinking?.
She's wanted a pet
for such a long time.
No, she hasn't.
- Yes, she has.
Yeah, he's cute!
Einar, what's wrong with you?.
- What, come on.
Miniature hamster?.
- Yes.
You're putting me on!
- No, I'm not!
You're not allergic to cats.
- Yes, I am!
Since when?.
What's wrong with you
Don't be this way.
Can't she play with it today?.
I can pick it up
later tonight.
- Katrin?.
I've got an awkward thing
I need to get over with.
I suddenly recalled where
we've met before, and...
I'm really sorry,
I didn't remember.
It's no problem.
Yes, it is.
To explain
why I couldn't remember...
I was so drunk.
Also, it's such
a long time ago.
About eleven years,
I'm not sure.
- Right.
Well, those parties
can get crazy.
It's why memories
get a bit messed up.
And Finland of course.
Well anyway.
I apologize.
Bjarni is here.
I'm going to
grab an apple.
You get him ready.
I'll just be a minute.
Come on in.
Just take a seat.
Can I put my jacket here?.
- Yes.
Do you think he'll fix all
the holes now, or just one?.
I have this presentation
later at work, you see.
It would be bad if
my whole mouth was numb.
If the tongue was...
It's an important presentation.
So it'd be best if
he'd do just one now.
I could come back
for the rest.
I won't feel a thing will I?.
- No.
There'll be no pain?.
... What's that?.
It's just a cover to go
over the tooth. Open up.
Keep still...
- What are you doing?!.
There is blood everywhere?!.
What happened?.
- Did you cut my tongue?.
My god!
This is like a slaughterhouse!
Are you spastic or something?.
Let me take a look.
- What is this place?!.
She cut off my tongue!
- No, of course not.
What happened?.
- I'm so sorry.
Can I go?.
Can I go?.
- Did I upset you?.
May I leave?.
- Of course.
Are you okay?.
- I'm so sorry.
- Hi.
I had to come...
- Yes.
I've longed to see you.
- Yes, me too.
You look really good.
Why haven't you...
Why haven't you told
your mother about us?.
I'll just leave
you two alone.
Thanks mom.
you can't be here.
You can't come here!
- But I was so worried.
Yes, but you have to leave.
- What's this?.
you have to leave.
Please do that, for me.
I have to speak to my mom.
I was so worried...
Are you angry with me?.
No, I'm not angry.
I promise...
Have I done wrong?.
- No... No.
- Yes, but you have to leave.
I brought you something.
- What?.
No, Johan...
We can catch up later...
Can we meet later tonight?.
- See here, see.
Try it on.
- I don't want to!
Try it.
- But...
Do you like it?.
- Yes.
Can we talk later?.
Shall I go?.
- Please.
We'll talk tonight.
I can't right now.
I understand.
- Thank you.
I'm very grateful.
What's wrong?.
You're late.
You promised to
pick me up from school.
Don't you know me?.
It's me, Oskar.
Your son.
- Yes?.
Should we go for a walk?.
Get some fresh air.
Where are your shoes?.
- Somewhere around.
I just don't know
what to do...
It was never this way
with you and mom, was it?.
There are so
many things...
Our heavenly father's
gentle hand.
Shall lead us through
this troubled land.
He comforts those
whose hearts are sad.
Tormented souls.
Good or bad.
O father though
you do as you please
We pray you will
our troubles ease
and give our souls...
your heavenly peace.
Where's grandma?.
Родители Родители

Читайте также:
- текст Братья и сёстры семьи Тода на английском
- текст Москва слезам не верит на английском
- текст Роксана на английском
- текст Вертихвостки 2 на английском
- текст Остров на английском

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