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Последний дюйм

1   2   3   4   5  
– Down! Keep down!
You're all right, Davy!
Twenty inches... Nine... Six...
Wait! Not yet. Not yet...
Now! Now...
– I am alive..?
– Imagine.
It's all a matter of adrenalin. And you
manufacture it like atomic energy.
– Davy...
– He's here and alright.
You’re going to need surgery.
As soon as possible.
– Right hand?
– No, left.
– Davy..!
– You’ve got to be careful.
Everything else later.
Only two or three minutes.
Not much of an old man am I?
But what about the telegram?
– Did the wind carry it away?
– Yes.
All right.
Maybe people can’t really live alone…
to my mind...
Well, go ahead!
The land-mine rattles as heavy bass
The fire fountain has struck
Bob Kennedy is on a dancing spree
"But why should I care about any of you?
If you don't care about me..."
The earth cracks as an empty nut
The armour flies in flinders
And Bob is laughing crazily
"But why should I care about any of you?
 If you don't care about me..."
But a fatal bullet has entered his flesh
At dawn... right between his eyes
And yet he cries before he's set free:
"But why should I care about any of you?
It looks like nothing happened.
– What are you thinking about?
– About…about myself.
About you...
– I’m going to be a pilot, too…
Like you.
There’s a strange thing about this world.
But it seems it’s the only one I understand.
But we’ve got to keep trying
to understand it, right to the end.
Right to the very last inch.
And it will be even better
if you can do it. Not me, but you.
Subtitles by Boris Bulgakov
Special thanks
Nola Griner  (USA)
Alexander Nemo (Canada)
Julius Eck (USA)
The End.
Последний дюйм

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