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Первый понедельник октября

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pours over him.
That's where the pain is.
You're on the right track.
You're beginning to look at people.
When you let a little more humanity
into your thinking,
you might make
a damn good justice.
But I won't bet on it.
You're just being sweet to me
because I'm a woman.
Do I have any appointments
this afternoon?
- 3:15, Miller of security...
- Cancel it!
- Mrs. Snow just called.
- Call her back.
Tell her I can't talk to her.
And blow your nose, please.
I don't wanna talk to anybody.
I gotta work, concentrate.
Yes, sir.
He says he doesn't want...
I wouldn't dream
of disturbing Justice Snow.
I'm looking for Herbert G. Maloney,
film producer.
- There you are, Mr. Maloney.
- What?
A respected colleague of mine,
Mr. Justice Snow,
feels that this court is doing you
a great injustice
by not meeting you face to face.
We ought to hear your voice,
bask in your personality.
What was the expression he used?
Oh, yes. We should "touch flesh".
Mason, call the guard.
Don't go, Mason. This might be
quite educational for all of us.
Would you care to take
the witness stand, Mr. Maloney?
- You gonna swear me in?
- You gonna lie to me?
Maybe you better swear me in.
I, Herbert G. Maloney,
do solemnly swear
the testimony I'm about to give
will be the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help me, Loomis.
Let's get right to the point,
Mr. Maloney.
Are you aware that you broke a law?
No, ma'am.
You didn't realize that Nebraska
has statutes prohibiting pornography?
Doesn't the First Amendment
apply to guys like me?
Isn't it an umbrella that's supposed
to keep all of us from getting wet?
Or is there a hole in it
over Nebraska?
But the people of Nebraska have
the freedom to protect themselves
against your abuse of their freedom.
That's what this case is all about.
Look, lady, I'm a businessman.
I don't see where
the government's got any business
telling me how to run my business!
I'm relieved.
For a while, I thought you might be
thinking of yourself as an artist.
I do recall the word "art"
plastered across your film.
Tell me, Mr. Maloney,
do you honestly believe
The Naked Nymphomaniac is art?
Sure. Why not? Who's to say it isn't?
What's art anyway?
Artists don't even know,
let alone lawyers.
Exactly what was your motivation in
filming The Naked Nymphomaniac?
Money. You can't have much pursuit
of happiness in this country
unless you pursue a little money.
Anything unconstitutional about that?
Does the Constitution give you
the right to do anything for money?
Does it give you the right
to shove me into bankruptcy?
The lawmakers of Nebraska
want to stop the pollution of the minds
and morals of the public
by films like yours.
My colleague on this bench,
Mr. Justice Snow...
Fine man. Know him very well.
He feels strongly about profit-pursuing
conglomerates which pollute the air.
Air's different. You gotta breathe.
You don't have to go to the movies.
State and local governments have
a right to set community standards.
People can say, "I don't want this
in my neighborhood."
Is it OK for people to say, "We don't
want Baptists in our neighborhoods"?
Your film, it's called
an exploitation film, is that correct?
Right. You're keeping me
from exploiting it.
Aren't you exploiting women?
The act of love?
Giving a distorted picture of sex
to young people?
- Who am I hurting?
- I'm not talking about bodily harm.
Has anyone died from seeing
The Naked Nymphomaniac?
What about injury to the spirit?
Doesn't your celluloid poison
attack all human dignity
- and decency and beauty?
- I don't think you like my picture.
I think somebody had better set
some standards. Some...
...voice had better say,
"This far, and no farther."
You're talking like a woman,
not a justice.
You're talking like a justice,
not a witness. Sit down, Maloney.
Have you been to New York lately?
Times Square, 44th, 45th Street?
It used to
Первый понедельник октября Первый понедельник октября

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