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Основной инстинкт 2

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into blonds...
...and some guys are into killers.
Isn't that what you're into?
Isn't that what turns you on?
Turns me on?
Isn't that why you're over here?
I trust you.
You trust me.
Is there somewhere we can talk?
Over there.
Can I guess where you got it?
Let's find out what it is first.
It would be highly improper of me to
accept any evidence in this fashion.
It'll take me a few days
to get it analyzed.
You'd have made a good cop, Michael.
You like the smell of blood.
Dr. Glass.
Hold on.
I was just thinking about you.
I might have more
psychiatric evaluations for you.
That's nice, but I'm busy
at the moment.
Oh, that's a pity.
You were so good with Catherine.
She tells me you're very perceptive.
She's very perceptive herself.
I hope Detective Washburn isn't giving
you cause for...
What do you mean?
Well, given his past record.
What past record?
I want to talk to you.
Oh, so now you want to talk.
Look, this "Dirtiest Cop in London,"
it doesn't mention him by name.
But this "Detective X,"
is that Roy Washburn?
Is it Washburn?
Excuse me?
Yeah, it's him.
Are you sure?
Adam may have been a sloppy writer,
but he had excellent sources.
What about perjury, intimidation,
falsifying evidence. Is that true?
A policeman fabricating evidence.
But you have proof?
How about Kevin Franks
and the Case of the Killer Orgasm?
When I did Catherine Tramell's
assessment, I read that report.
Those syringes found in the car
contained DTC.
Yeah, well, who found
the syringes in the car?
But why would Washburn do that?
Adam thought he did it to set up
Catherine Tramell.
Why didn't he write about it?
That's the whole point.
He was going to.
Then he got killed.
I owe you an apology.
About Roy Washburn. I...
I don't like apologies.
I also don't like people stealing things
from my apartment.
The insulin? In case you haven't had it
analyzed yet.
My friend's diabetic.
Let yourself out, doctor.
Hello, Michael.
What do you want?
I got the lab analysis back.
D-Tubocurarine. Funny that.
You're sure it's not insulin?
Can I see the report?
You've got some trust issues there.
You might want to work on that.
This isn't an official
Forensic Services report.
No. Because an unpreserved or
contaminated chain of evidence...
...will be deemed inadmissible
in a future trial, Inspector Clouseau.
So do you want to tell me
where you found it?
She's not worth it.
People are dying
and I will have her for it.
If you stand in my way,
I'll have you as well.
I can fucking promise you that.
I've got something to show you.
Get in the car.
Get in!
Medical examiner's on his way.
Hello, guv.
Were you working that night?
No, I don't know.
Did you see or hear
anything suspicious yesterday?
Not yesterday. No.
- Nothing?
- No.
How long have you worked here?
Four months.
Four months?
Where were you before that?
Hi, guv.
- Remember I talked to Vice earlier and
they said...
Fergie, give me a minute.
Let's go.
Who is he?
Richard Pepovic.
Known to his friends as Dickie Pep.
You know him?
Look at this.
Now, we'll have to wait for the lab
results, of course...
...but what's the betting he's oozing
Now do you want to tell me
who gave you the sample?
You don't know she did it.
But then again, maybe I killed him.
Isn't that what she's gonna tell you?
He had something on me,
so I killed him.
Then I jerked him off
even though he was dead...
...to make it look like
there was come everywhere...
...to make it look like it was her.
Look, Towers was right about me,
I put them away whatever it takes.
So, fine, don't trust me.
You know Catherine better than me.
If you have five seconds
when you're not dizzy...
...with the smell of her pussy,
ask yourself: Do you trust her?
Do you?
She's George Cheslav, times three.
We both know it.
The question is:
How do we put her away?
If you
Основной инстинкт 2 Основной инстинкт 2

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- текст Сказка про Федота-стрельца, удалого молодца на английском
- текст Внутренний космос на английском
- текст Женя, Женечка и Катюша на английском
- текст Лучшая защита на английском
- текст Человек Омега на английском

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