NOSTALGIA Speak Italian Sorry. We've arrived. I stopped here so we could stretch our legs You'll see, it's a marvelous painting I cried the first time I saw it This light reminds me of certain autumn afternoons in Moscow Come on then - I don't want to - I'll wait for you inside I don't want to! "I'm tired of seeing these sickeningly beautiful sights "I want nothing more just for myself "That's enough" Have you come to pray for a baby too? Or to be spared them? I'm just looking If there are any casual onlookers... ...who aren't supplicants... ...then nothing happens What is supposed to happen? Whatever you like, whatever you need most But you should at least kneel down I can't - Look at them - They're used to it - They have faith - Maybe they have May I ask you something? Why do you think...'s only the women who pray so much? - You're asking me? - You see so many women here I'm only the sacristan But you must wonder why women are more devout than men You should know better than I Because I'm a woman? No, I've never understood these things I'm a simple man But I think... ...a woman is meant to have children... raise them... ...with patience... ...and self-sacrifice That's all she's meant for? I don't know I understand. Thank you, you've been a great help You asked what I thought I don't know. You want to be happy but there are more important things Wait... Merciful Mother, compassionate Mother... ...blessed Mother, tormented Mother... I just don't understand you You go on and on about the Madonna of Childbirth We drive halfway across Italy in the fog Why didn't you go in to see her? What are you reading? Arseny Tarkovsky's poems In Russian? It's a translation... quite a good one Throw it away Why? The translator's a very good poet Poetry is untranslatable, like all art You may be right that poetry is untranslatable But what about music? Music's... What do you mean by that? It's a Russian song But how could we have got to know... ...Tolstoy, Pushkin... ...and so understand Russia? None of you understand Russia Nor you Italy then... ...if Dante, Petrarch and Machiavelli don't help It's impossible for us poor devils - How can we get to know each other? - By destroying frontiers Which ones? Between states There was a maid in Milan who set fire to the house - What house? - Her employers' Because of nostalgia for her family in the south So she burned the thing that stopped her going back Why did your musician, Sasnovsky... ...go back to Russia if he knew he'd be a slave again? Would you mind telling me why you won't confide in me? I don't understand You read... you understand Oh, the letter from the Bologna Conservatory Tell me, was Sasnovsky... ...successful when he returned to Russia? Was he happy? He started drinking And then... - He committed suicide? - Exactly Forgive me, I was asleep. Can I have your identification? I'll go and get the keys I hope those aren't the keys to the other hotel? No, they're to my house Here are your keys t's our best room Good night, Andrei Your room is on the next floor t's nice here t's dark now, but the countryside's pretty There's the river, the mushrooms... People keep coming back, they often fall in love here You and your boy-friend will like it He's not my boy-friend Go on, he's sad because he's in love No, his mind's on other things - Did you knock? - I hadn't yet Do you want to call Moscow? You haven't talked to your wife for two days Andrei, get up. We'll be eating soon! I'll be downstairs It's lovely. St. Catherine used to come here, too I'm coming... Excuse me, what does this Russian do? He's a poet - What's he writing? - The biography of a Russian musician Why in Italy? This musician studied in Bologna and came to these baths - When? - At the end of the 1700s - Who was it? Tchaikovsky? - No, his name was Sasnovsky Didn
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