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Главная / Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22  
Sergey Pavlovich.
What do you think, ladies and
gentlemen, is there any hope
that we'd be given something to eat
Yes, Anna Petrovna, really?
I'm so tired of him!
He's outrageously cheeky!
Everyone is being patient and waits,
so you wait too!
Do you ever happen not to be hungry?
He eats and eats, there's no end of it.
I made a point of watching him,
and was amazed.
Two cups of tea,
a piece of beef that big,
then five eggs, after which
he returned to his room
and finished half a pie!
Why's everybody shouting, quarrelling,
stamping their feet? No peace all day!
What's that racket?
Stop it now!
What is it?
Aha! Hurray! My admirer's coming!
Yes! Yes!
And I'll repeat it: you're toads!
They tagged after their father here,
just to make a show of disobedience,
and they put on those green dresses
to boot!
Just look at them, Christian people!
Green lizards! Stupid girls!
You could leave your rudeness
at home, father.
- And they dragged my nephew along!
- There's no one to leave him with!
You should've taken your mother, too,
you fools!
This is a real gentleman,
unlike all of you!
Congratulations on your lawful
wedlock, Your Excellency!
You should congratulate Sophia
Yegorovna, not me.
This is our cousin, Petechka. There's
no one at home to look after him.
- Is the doctor here?
- Yes, he's here.
Tell him not to make fun of us.
He won't touch you.
Pavel Petrovich, my dear,
how are you?
Well, my friends, where's the lady
whom my heart so yearns to see?
I have a suspicion, and even think
that she is that lady.
Pavel Petrovich Shcherbuk, our
neighbor, cavalier, guest and creditor.
Yes, a close friend
of the late general.
- Your hand... may I?
- Please don't.
We believe that the kissing of hands
humiliates women.
You wouldn't kiss a man's hand,
would you?
We deplore any form of inequality,
for at the bottom of any inequality
there's a sprout of humiliation...
Young man, you're a lawyer,
you haven't partaken any other
sciences but the humanities.
So you may harbor
the illusions of freedom,
equality, brotherhood, and so on.
As for me, I'm an incorrigible
To me, ''blue blood'', ''pure breed''
are nothing but empty words.
But it wasn't the cook's son who'd
given us sciences, literature, art!
Don't touch it!
In the village of Kostovaty there
was a hail the size of a chicken egg.
- Gerasim Kuzmich!
- Pavel Petrovich, how are you?
We're having a conversation here,
and you read aloud. It's indelicate.
By not having the cook's son
sitting at my table,
I'm protecting the best
there is on the earth,
I'm participating in the historical
process of natural selection.
She forgot about humiliation!
She forgot it!
What is permitted to Jupiter,
is not permitted to a steer.
Very interesting ideas.
Come visit us, and we can argue.
And while arguing, we'll arrive at
the truth together.
By the way, the Kalitins' dog sneezes
while pointing. Disgusting.
Papa, don't sleep. It's embarrassing!
I'm not sleeping, daughter.
I'm awake.
Come on, stop it, I'm awake.
Mikhail Vassilyevich!
Mikhail Vassilyevich,
I was looking for you.
I came to apologize.
That silly interrogation and the tone
of it... You're not angry, are you?
I'm not angry at you.
I was, but no more.
Where does that door lead to?
To Heaven. To the Garden of Eden.
Pardon me, it was a stupid thing
to say.
I don't know where that door leads.
I'm leaving! And don't try to stop me!
I can't stand those jokes! And you!
You want me to tell them
how old you are?
Shut up! Then I'll tell them
about you and Mitya Kalezin!
- And don't drink any more!
- I'm leaving right this minute!
It's so awkward. We were
- I didn't hear anything.
- Let's get out of here.
- Do you remember the wharf?
- What?
That boat in the evening...
What was its name?
Why did we get so scared?..
Its name was <>.
Why did you come here?
Why were you looking for me?
Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

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- текст Жестокий романс на английском
- текст Беглец на английском
- текст Парни не плачут на английском

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