##[Drumbeats] ## ##[Drumbeats Continue] - Shorter here. - Shorter? - Shorter. - That is short enough. - Okay, superstar? - Wow. What's with the shirt? [Sniffs, Clears Throat] That is the most frightening thing I've ever seen in my life. - Looks like a deformity. - I'll fix that. - Oh, God. Yeah. - That's better. If you was a guy, I might even wanna fuck you. You mean, if you was a guy you might even wanna fuck me. So you're a boy? Now what? Come on. No fuckir way. Yes fuckir way! - Ajoke is a joke. Now, come on. - Don't be a pussy! Ow! I'm no fuckir pussy. Let's go home. Someone's inside. You've got a date? I gotta go! Come here! Can I talk to you just for a minute? You look like a fuckir idiot in that hat. I'll be back. I'll be back. Teena. ##[Rock And Roll] ## #I don't mind you hanging out # # Or talking in your sleep # Yeah, athletic's nice. But the thing is he's sweet. And good hair. That's important. I'm Billy. Are, are you Nicole? # Or talking in your sleep # #I guess you're just what I needed # #I needed someone to bleed # You don't seem like you're from around here. Where, where do I seem like I'm from? Someplace beautiful. Okay. Hey. I'm gonna stand right here until you're safe inside. Okay? Okay. # You're just what I needed # # You're just what I needed # # You're just what I needed, yeah ## [Man] You're not goiranywhere! Fucker! - Get back here, you frucker! - Scumbag! You fuckir dyke! You freak! You frucked my sister! Open the fruckir door, you fruckirfraggot! Open the fuckir door! Fuck you! - You fruckirasshole! - Brothers. - Alicia. - Alicia? Who is Alicia? - Damn! There's a lot of'em! - What the fuck have you done? I'll get your fuckir faggot cousin, too! - What is the matter with you? - I don't know! I don't know what went wrong. You are not a boy! That is what went wrong! You are not a boy! Tell them that. They say I'm the best boyfriend they ever had. Do you want your mother to lock you up again? Is that what you want? No. - Then why don't you admit that you're a dyke? - Because I'm not a dyke. - [Man] Fucker! - [Glass Shattering] - Fuck. What are you doir? - The money you owe me. - Get out of my fuckir pants. - I want it back. All of it. Jesus Christ! Careful with that. You didn't have to do that. You're not crashing here anymore, Teena! Get your stuff and go! ##[Country Western] ## [Exhales] [Male Singer OverJukebox] # Why are you hangir 'round my door # #Never frelt so lonely befrore # #Faded on my heart # Bad night? The worst. [Sighs] #Now I know what it's like to cry # # What it's like to want to die # - What's your name? - [Giggles] Candace. I hate it, though. I'm thinking of changing it. [Chuckles] Sometimes that helps. I'm Brandon. I'll pay if you get 'em. - Sure. - Marlboros. I'll be right back. #Is a new shade ofr blue ## Check this out. - My friend's sitting there. - So? I said get off. Excuse me. Why don't you leave the lady alone? I don't want any trouble. You've gotta be kidding me. I didn't ask you what you wanted, you little fag. You frucker! You motherfrucker! - I'm gonna kick... - Hold on. Can't I leave you without you getting us into deeper shit? [Brandon] Fuck! I'm gonna get your ass! Come on, stud. You got us into this. Fucker! [Sirens Wailing] [Candace] Oh, shit! Go, John, go! Go, John. Go, John, go. Come on! Cops, man. They suck. I would've had those guys if you wouldn't have stopped me. Oh, my God. - What? - John, look. Yeah, you're gonna have a shiner in the morning. - I am? - Yeah. Oh, shit! - You got a light, man? - Oh, yeah, here. Mmm. - You have got the tiniest hands. Yeah. - No. They're big! Joe Louis had tiny hands. So? He didn't throw wild punches without defrense. If you're gonna get into fights over girls like Candace, you've gotta learn a few moves. - Come on. - Come on. - Hey, pussy! - Fuck you, ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст КОАПП на английском - текст Бодро шагая на английском - текст Бетховен на английском - текст Конфискатор на английском - текст Повелители вселенной на английском |