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Hello. Are you Pasha?
- And who are you?
- I'm a film director.
Let's get acquainted.
Do you want to appear in films?
- As Baba Yaga?
- No, not as Baba Yaga.
Yes I do. Why do you ask?
Do you know about Joan of Arc?
Of course. Who is she?
- A French girl?
- A national heroine.
Of course I know her. Why?
That's good.
We'll give her a screen test.
- A what?
- Screen test.
Is there any point?
I'd agree without the test.
Why is he laughing?
Pay no attention.
It's okay. I agree.
But I'm not a professional actress.
That's fine. That's just
what I'm looking for.
- I'm not attractive.
- Perfect.
- And I'm married.
- And I know that already.
- Who told you?
- A little bird.
- No, really.   - Pasha,
I already know everything about you!
So, you're interested in me?
- We're interested!
- Yes!
Who is he?
- Odinokov!
- Second director.
- It means you're the first.
- I am.
Well? Do you agree?
Do you have any documents?
Of course.
Here you are.
Comr. F. V. Ignatev
Profession: Director.
Here's mine.
I don't need yours.
Why has it expired?
I'm going to be in a film!
Pash, we're not alone.
Hello, young lady.
You'll excuse me but
I came to take my husband back.
Sweet walks, smooth talks
and that's enough.
Tomorrow is the 1st of September.
Our daughter is back from camp
and she's waiting.
Someone dressed you up here.
Only new things.
I thought that the neighbours were lying.
Everything's ironed and mended.
You should marry.
You'd make a good wife.
He's slovenly at home,
between you and me,
as one woman to another.
So where are...
your slippers?
On my feet.
- Don't shout!
- I'm not.
- Fine, you're not.
- You see.
Maybe some other thing got lost here.
Oh, you see.
I won't let him go!
You're a hooligan, young lady!
- Beat her!
- Zina, don't touch her!
- Let me go!   - Arkasha!
- Let me go!
She's not worthy of you!
Oh, look at the woman he found.
Look at that mug!
Pash, don't listen to her!
She's crazy! I'm yours!
Arkasha! Come back!
I'm waiting for you!
Sit down!
Who was it?
Just a neighbour.
- Well, I'm going out.
- Don't even think about it.
I'm capable of anything.
I'm not hungry.
Pavlik, let's go.
Praskovya, what's wrong?
Have you lost your mind?
Pavlik. Let's go.
Come on, give it to me.
Good, good.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Here, you're a kind girl.
Oh! What have you got there?
Look. Did you cut yourself?
Oh. What's this?
It's nothing. Remain calm.
Everything will be okay.
Like this.
How do you feel now?
Come on.
Let's sit down...
...and drink some tea!
Sit down.
Sit down.
Remain seated.
Tomka! Tea!
What's the matter?
My little...my little...
Stand up, Joan!
And answer your judges'
questions standing!
So, Joan...
You believe that the real miracle
on earth is man.
Yes, sir.
The man who is woven of sin,
mistakes, failure and weaknesses.
But also strength, valiance and purity.
- You maintain this?
- Yes.
- You're taking too much
upon yourself, Joan!    - No, sir!
I saw all of this at war.
So you acquit man!
You consider him as one
of the greatest divine miracles.
I do.
You're blaspheming, Joan!
Man is dirty, mean
and indecent.
Yes, sir. Man sins.
He may be despicable.
Then for an unknown reason
he throws himself in front of a bolting horse,
to save a child he doesn't know...
and dies with broken bones, peacefully.
He dies like a beast, in his sin.
No, sir.
He dies radiant with joy; pure!
And God waits for him, smiling.
I'm here.
Oh! Who's that?
Girls! My dear ones!
- Darling little things!
- Pashka!
You came!
- Hello!
- Valentinushka!
Come in!
Come in!
Girls, it's splendid to see you!
So lovely here.
So, tell me...
Why did they cast you in this film?
Why not some actress?
There are so many good ones.
Their faces are all over the walls of the club.
That's because, Katyun, Joan of Arc
and I are very much alike.
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Читайте также:
- текст Реальная любовь на английском
- текст История Пиксар на английском
- текст С глаз - долой, из чарта - вон! на английском
- текст Никто не идеален на английском
- текст Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон на английском

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