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She wrote ...
"I now believe my husband
may be doing these murders. "
Is that why she followed you?
- Is that why you shut her up?
- This is not true.
Have you got an alibi for last Wednesday
night and the preceding Friday?
- I was home.
- Come on Forrest.
If you were home, your wife
wouldn't have suspected you.
Alright, I was seeing somebody.
I'll talk to my client now, alone.
Councillor, We've read
him his Mirandas...
...and he elected to
make a statement.
That's inadmissible!
He did admit that he was in that motel
room with presence of the victim.
And that's enough.
Now you two guys, outta here.
Must remove now, Councillor.
We intend to have this suspect,
appear in a lineup for the witnesses,
first thing tomorrow morning.
Good day Sir.
These guys are trying to make
me the fall guy.
Everybody's screaming for
blood I was and I'm it.
I'm certain you had no
control over what happened.
Call it irresistible impulse.
That's a legal defense.
Better yet, bet you don't even
remember committing the crimes,
Blackouts, Momentary
lapses of memory.
What are you talking about?
I'm not crazy. I didn't do it.
You were seeing a
therapist on a regular basis.
Come on, a marriage counselor.
I've got a witness. Okay,
Somebody else who was there.
I don't want to bring her into this
unless there's no other way.
Pal! You need all
the help you can get.
Its gonna ruin her career.
Let's give it till the end of the week.
If they don't find the real killer by then,
I'll name her.
Yeah, so I told my kids,
You see a cop, you cross to the other
side of the street. I see a cop, I'm outta here.
a policeman crossed the street
to the other side.
I seen there my friends
murdered by cops.
Shot in the back. Shot when
they didn't have a gun or knife.
You know, cops like killing,
that's why they're cops.
Who's gonna be next, huh?
Cops want you to be scared of them.
That makes them men, real men.
Because without that uniform
what are they? I don't scare.
They respected cops in my day or they
hit you on your head with their billy.
They didn't take no guff.
They were the law.
Nowadays like this, they got
to shoot you to get respect.
Nobody gives no crap
to the cops, no more since this
crazy cop come along.
You see a cop coming now,
you get out of the way!
And there ain't much
crime no more.
Hey, Listen...
But 18 years back I had a case for ya,
This guy made it look as if
a psychopath was at work.
So what does he do then?
He goes in, He kills his wife and it
looks like its one of the serial killings.
Jack, but set up to take
the heat off the real psycho.
You gonna tell me you think
that he's that smart.
He's a cop. Maybe even a Detective.
- Fuck you!
- Come on Ripley, why not?
Every Detective keeps his own uniform hanging in the closets and
thats the one thing
you never could get rid off.
Let me tell you if....
If Jack had an alibi,
he would have come
across with it by know.
Jack is protecting someone.
Whoever it is, he doesn't
want to be get involved.
and the killer knows who it is.
And you're a cop.
- Fuckin I'm a cop.
What the fuck are you?
Fuck you.
- You put you in danger
- How?
The scum wants to
lay low for a while,
till he starts
another killing spree.
He likes us to relax our guard.
And he accomplishes that he
hands us a prime suspect.
Why would he pick me?
Your size, your description,
your personal file.
He's getting his information from
inside the department.
- And, of course, your sex life.
- John, but nobody knew about that.
Your girlfriend might've
told somebody, Jack.
She's the only one that can give us
the connection and that puts her in danger.
John, She can take care herself.
She outshoots me every time
we go to the range.
She's on the force?
You know her.
Theresa Mallory.
Its a well kept secret.
Not well enough according to you.
Where do I find?
She is on duty tonight.
Маньяк-полицейский Маньяк-полицейский

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