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Любовь с уведомлением

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Cominsky wants
to meet you, but she's shy. Is that okay?
That's fine. I've been too nervous
to meet EIaine myseIf.
-Good. Don't move. Great tie, by the way.
-Thanks. I was rather nervous about it.
-Hey, your brother wants to see you.
-What? Now? Tonight?
Yeah, that's what he said. AIthough
sometimes it's hard to teII with the accent.
This is EIaine.
-Oh, heIIo.
-Hi. WouId you sign my GO?
Oh, GO! I see what you mean.
Sorry, I thought it was a medicaI term.
You had me aII excited.
-''To EIaine, George Wade.''
-Thank you.
Hang on just one second.
There's no way I'm running up
to Westchester just because he caIIs.
It's absurd. He'II just have to wait.
-Right on. Hey, man, forget him.
-ShouId I get the car?
-Yes, get the car.
-Good evening, Mr. George.
-Good evening, Rosario.
-ExceIIent new hairdo.
-Mr. George.
No, I'm serious. You Iook Iike
a young ImeIda Marcos.
-HeIIo, George.
-HeIIo, HeIen.
Don't you think Rosario
Iooks particuIarIy IoveIy tonight?
I hadn't reaIIy noticed.
Rosario, the chiIdren need baths, pIease.
Yes, Miss HeIen.
-So how are the kids, apart from dirty?
-They're fine.
-Can I get you anything?
-I'd Iove some MiIk Duds.
We don't have any.
I couId send out for one.
Oh, no, don't be ridicuIous.
If you're going to send out, get a whoIe box.
-Howard is in the gym.
Forty-five minutes, 6.5 miIes an hour,
at an eIevation of three.
It's incredibIe how much
more reIaxed I feeI.
-HeIen does an hour a day too.
-Yes, you both seem extremeIy reIaxed.
You can cut the reIaxation with a knife.
So why am I here, Howie?
We Iost the West Side waterfront deaI
because your chief counseI...
...your Iatest modeI/attorney...
...forgot to fiIe
an EnvironmentaI Impact Report.
I wiII admit that the Iaw
is not Amber's strong point.
-That's why I fired her.
-No, I fired her.
Just as I fired Debbie
from St. Barts' Law SchooI...
...and Stacy from OnIine Law SchooI.
I want someone from YaIe or CoIumbia
or from the continentaI United States.
Women of that IeveI of inteIIectuaI abiIity
often find me shaIIow.
-Then hire a man.
-Don't be absurd.
Because they wouIdn't sIeep with you?
No, because it wouId make you
and Dad too happy.
Dad has been dead for 1 0 years.
WeII, there is no reason for him
to start enjoying himseIf now.
You need someone who can write
a brief instead of removing yours.
And she can handIe your divorce
whiIe she's at it.
You are stiII getting divorced?
UnIess my ex-wife decides to faII in Iove
with me again, or for the first time, yeah.
No! Why do you aIways
find that so funny?
-It's very hard to say.
-Hire a reaI attorney by tomorrow.
-HeIIo, have a good day.
-Thank you, ma'am.
-So you're Russian, you say?
-1 00єє.
Hence, bIond hair,
bIue eyes, cheekbones.
Sorry to have kept you so Iong, but at Ieast
I feeI I know everything about you.
And I you. You know, usuaIIy I'm so nervous
at interviews, but that was fun.
Yes. Isn't ''fun'' fun?
It's been a pIeasure, Tiffany.
Mr. Wade? Mr. Wade?
Hi, I'm Lucy KeIson. I'm an attorney.
Have you ever heard
of Saint-Tropez Law SchooI?
-Where did you go to Iaw schooI?
Intriguing. TeII me more.
What's your background?
I don't see how that's reIevant.
I work for the CoaIition for the HomeIess.
-I'm working at LegaI Aid.
-That can't pay much.
WeII, I'm not very interested in money.
Now, Mr. Wade....
Wait a minute. You're KeIson.
You Iie in front of our wrecking baIIs.
-You attacked the Zegman brothers--
-I did not.
It's not my fauIt they waIked
under a protest sign.
-You're not here for a job?
-I'm here representing...
...the Coney IsIand Community Center.
It was buiIt in 1 922.
It's the heart of Coney IsIand.
It has aduIt education, basketbaII...
...CPR, Lamaze, water baIIet,
senior's tae kwon do. It's great.
For chiIdren, it's a home away from home.
I mean, I practicaIIy grew up there.
Любовь с уведомлением Любовь с уведомлением

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