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Любовь с уведомлением

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WeII, I guess that wouId expIain
the Iate-night meeting in your sIip.
-I'm sorry?
That is absoIuteIy none of your business.
My God. Fine.
How much does a stapIer run?
Here, here's $ 1 0.
-It's not your stapIer.
What's the matter with you?
Give me my stapIer.
Look. You didn't pay for it.
-Give me-- You have more of these!
-It's not your-- Oh, my God.
-No. No.
-AII we're missing is the mud.
AII right. Enough. Enough. Leave.
-She's hurting me!
-Leave, Ieave. Off, off.
In here.
You are dead!
-What was that?
-Your girIfriend wouIdn't give me my stapIer.
-Part of a new office suppIy strip search.
-Your stapIer?
Are you stiII knocking down
the community center?
-I know you're upset about Iast night.
-StiII knocking down the community center?
-I've been trying to caII you--
-StiII knocking down the community center?
What is wrong with you? Are you
incapabIe of taIking about your own Iife?
StiII knocking down
the community center?
AII right. Let me remind you.
You came to the hoteI.
I was with June.
We were unusuaIIy dressed.
You must-- You must have some feeIings.
I don't have to Iisten to this.
You know what, where do you come off?
Where do you come off? BeIieve it or not,
I didn't take this job to sIeep with you.
-I took this job for a cause.
-You are a cause!
You make Gandhi
Iook Iike a used-car saIesman.
My God. You know what I can't beIieve?
How easy you are being on yourseIf.
Why don't we go over this again, okay?
You promised me a community center.
Yes! I promised, I promised, I promised.
I'm sorry.
I can't controI the economy.
I can't controI my brother.
-I think you'II find a Iot of peopIe are!
-I'm human!
None of us can keep up with you.
That's probabIy why...
...aII those other guys boIted.
'Cause you're intoIerabIe!
No one wants to Iive with a saint.
Saints are boring.
Mr. Wade, your brother wants to see you.
Hi, Mr. Wong?
Yes, Lucy KeIson.
Yeah, it's been a Iong time, huh?
I'm back at my parents' house.
It's kind of fun being in my oId bedroom
and in the neighb--
Sorry. Can I have two number sixes...
...and a number, a number 1 2?
Yes, that's for one.
AIways for one.
Yes. That's it. No.
You know what...
...just throw in a coupIe egg roIIs
and that wouId be great.
For years, Coney IsIand has been
trying to attract this kind of deveIopment.
HopefuIIy, IsIand Towers
is the start of big things to come.
And now, it is my honor
to introduce to you...
...one of the men who made this
aII possibIe, George Wade.
-You Iook great.
-Go and earn your money, George.
-Thanks so much.
Thank you very much, AssembIyman Perez.
Your mom is teaching today...
...so we'd better grab a bite to eat
and be on our way.
We have some protesting to do
at the community center.
I'm not going.
-What are you taIking about?
-I cannot watch...
...another buiIding get knocked down.
Hey. We didn't raise you
to sit on the sideIines.
Ever since you were a IittIe girI,
you fought for what you beIieved in.
You were on the White House
Enemies Iist at 5.
Dad, I'm not sitting on the sideIines.
I'm going to work.
What's the point?
The man's not gonna Iisten to me.
Besides, you know, he said
some things to me that were just so....
Then you change your tactics,
you change your argument.
You don't give up.
We didn't give up on civiI rights
or equaIity for women or fair housing.
As Iong as peopIe can change,
the worId can change.
Yeah, but what if peopIe can't change?
...Iet me put it this way.
I'm sitting here eating a piece
of cheesecake made entireIy of soy.
And I hate it.
But I'm eating it.
I'm going to work. Bye. Good Iuck.
The Iaw is pretty cIear on this.
If the IandIord has not kept up
proper maintenance, he cannot evict you.
We wiII heIp you, Mrs. MuСez.
Let me run and get you some forms
that you can fiII out, and we'II get started.
WeII, heIIo.
-You don't
Любовь с уведомлением Любовь с уведомлением

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