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Лиля навсегда

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shouIdn't drink!
Hey, Iook what I found!
- Let's pIay war.
- Put one on him.
The oId man was a war hero.
- Check out the war hero!
- SaIute him!
-VoIodya, sit down. Sit down!
- ReIax!
What's aII this noise?
CouId you keep it quiet?
Come in, don't be angry. We've got
cough medicine.You can have some.
- I don't have a cough.
- It's good for everything. Come in.
If you don't caIm down, I'II caII the
poIice. And I'm caIIing your aunt.
That's enough. Hey,that's enough.
- Come on, I'II turn the Iight out.
-You're too young. Cut it out.
CaIm yourseIf, you're too young.
Find yourseIf another girI.
- Cut it out.
- Go away.
What's going on here?!
What's going on?!
I Iike it here. Are you nuts, or what?!
Get out!
Go on! Get out of here now!
Don't touch me!
Go to heII! Just you remember
that I decide around here.
Watch yourseIf, or it'II get worse!
Get out of the house!
Get out of here! You runt !
You fucking son of a bitch!
VoIodya,what are you doing?
- I'm just sitting here.
- Come down.
- I'm just sitting here.
- Come down, pIease.
- Come down!
- I don't want to.
- Come down.
- No, I won't.
- Come down.
-AIright, aIright...
Hey, you want to go for a ride?
- No.
- 100 crowns.
- Piss off!.
- 200.
- Go to heII!
-You're not that pretty...
- Fuck off,you asshoIe!
- I can ask, can't I?
I must get out of here.
Anything, but not this.
- Good night.
-Are you going home?
- I'm tired, I'm going home.
- Can't I stay over at your pIace?
- No.
-Why not? It's so coId outside.
I can't go home. I've been thrown out.
Dad went crazy. I don't know why.
PIease... LiIya.
I can sIeep on the floor.
You can sIeep on the sofa. But
no funny stuff or I'II throw you out.
You know what I'm thinking?
That we're Iike a reaI famiIy.
We're sitting having dinner...
...I come home from work
and you've baked bread.
LiIya...? What do you think wouId have
happened if I'd been two years oIder?
Cut it out...
Don't taIk Iike that... it's stupid.
You know what?
I did think of jumping.
- ReaIIy?
- 'Cause aII of this is buIIshit.
I don't want to Iive anymore.
Yeah,you do!
Course you want to!
You saved my Iife.
Now I'm gonna save yours.
A packet of WaII Street, pIease.
27, pIease.
I'II just have the potato chips
and cigarettes.
Put the juice back where it beIongs.
Come back!
You didn't get any Ietters today.
I think your mother's forgotten you.
No, I want to sit here...
It just takes a few minutes.
Okay if they're young guys,
but if they're disgusting oId men...
On the other hand it's much quicker.
One,two and it's over!
Then you get the money
and can buy a dress or something.
No, never. It's horribIe!
Let's go!
- How was it?
- Okay.
I'm freezing! TeII me how it was.
Forget it. Let's get home, it's so coId!
-Who is it?
- Natasha.
I came to give you the money back.
I don't need it.
Okay... Bye.
- Hi.
- Hi.
-TeII me what the heII's going on?
- Let's go over there and I'II expIain.
So.What's happening?
Like... my dad found the money...
And I thought it didn't make
any difference to you.
What doesn't make
any difference to me?
You don't have any parents.
I mean, your mom's in the States.
What doesn't make
any difference to me?
Like... I toId dad
that it was your money.
-That you did what I did.
-You said that I did it?
Yeah,you know. If my dad
had known, he wouId have kiIIed me!
-You've got a screw Ioose!
-What difference does it make to you?!
-You're moving to the States...
- I thought you were my friend!
-Then you say things Iike that!
- Natasha...
Let's go... Come on.
I don't need your money.
Keep your money! Whore!
Guys, Iet's have fun.
It's our IittIe whore!
Fucking sIut!What you doing here?
Get the fuck out of here.You rat!
You seIIing yourseIf to kids?
- Forget them. Let's go.
-That's just what I'm doing.
Cunt! What're you doing there?
Come here!
- How's
Лиля навсегда Лиля навсегда

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