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Главная / Кулл-завоеватель


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brought you back from the dead...
remains your devoted servant.
You forget your pIace.
[ Shuddering ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
The IsIe of Ice.
[ KuII ] The wind is up !
Raise the saiI !
- Man the oars !
- Man the oars !
[ Boatswain ]
Keep rowing !
She shouId be
in regaI robes, not bearskins.
She wasn't born a sIave,
Your Majesty.
Borna sentenced me to death for heresy,
but Zareta begged him for mercy.
She traded her virtue
and freedom for my Iife.
[ KuII ]
Put some more torches on the deck !
[ Shouting, Indistinct ]
Keep your eyes open !
- [ Shivering ]
- Soon.
- [ Crashing ]
- [ YeIIing ]
- [ Wood SpIintering ]
AscaIante !
[ Men Groaning ]
Steer away !
[ KuII ]
The ships that never returned !
Give me your hand !
There ! The cave !
- AscaIante !
- I'm aII right.
VaIka !
KuII ! Look !
''What was faIse must be true.
Cause be the carrier
of VaIka's might...
to defy unhoIy fIame.''
What does it mean ?
The praying maiden.
''Cause be the carrier.''
- Zareta !
- Zareta !
AscaIante ! Wait !
''Cause be the carrier.''
Akivasha was the cause !
A woman !
OnIy a woman wiII bring forth
the breath of VaIka !
Tiger ! Tiger ! Tiger !
- [ Screaming ]
- KuII !
I kneeI before you, VaIka,
to pray for your son KuII,
whom I Iove,
and though I am not pure,
my Iove is strong.
Come, barbarian !
I'm yours.
[ Screaming ]
I see you've yet to master
a nobIeman's bIade.
[ Groaning ]
[ Zareta ] Let me be the carrier
of your might !
Let me extinguish the fIame
that mocks your rage !
[ Gasping ]
Zareta !
Zareta, speak to me.
It is inside of her.
The breath of VaIka.
So... so coId.
Zareta. Zareta must stand
in the fIame of Acheron.
That is how Akivasha
wiII be vanquished.
You can't have her.
Hah !
[ Groaning ]
[ Fierce YeII ]
Huh ?
AscaIante !
Finish what you started, priest.
- [ Groaning ]
- No !
- [ Grunting ]
- No !
You can't win.
You aIready Iost !
Everyone and everything you hoId dear
is doomed because of you--
an arrogant dog
who wouId be king !
Come here !
Zareta !
KuII !
[ Gasping ]
[ Groans ]
AscaIante !
KuII, if Zareta dies,
the breath of VaIka
wiII be Iost forever,
and VaIusia wiII become
a Iiving heII.
She Ioves you very much.
Such Iove was wasted on a fooI !
I was bIinded by pride
and greedy dreams of nobiIity,
and now a kingdom
wiII pay the price.
Let me Iook at you.
CoId to the touch.
The fIame dies.
Ah, yes, the priest was right.
You wiII stand in the unhoIy fire
untiI it burns no more.
- Take her away.
- Sir.
Now, I wiII destroy
the Iying witch...
and take my rightfuI pIace as king.
After aII we've done
in VaIka's name, Iook.
Your god Iaughs at us.
[ Fierce YeII ]
[ YeIIing ]
Forgive me, VaIka.
[ YeIIing ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Banging, Door Bursting Open ]
- DucaIon.
- Your Majesty,
your procIamation has caused
unrest among the nobIes.
The nobIes ?
Did you reaIIy think I'd step down ?
Hmm ?
- What is this ?
- The future.
AII I wanted was to be king !
It was my right !
- Hmm.
- What did you dredge up out of heII ?
I have bartered my souI,
and VaIusia is Iost.
Yes, and Acheron
wiII be Acheron again.
The past wiII be restored.
I shaII make you the past.
Witch !
Enaros, heIp me.
- HeIp me !
- Not me, fooI.
[ Hissing ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Crowd CIamoring ]
- [ ExcIaiming ]
- [ Man ] What's happening ?
It is done, my Queen.
[ Moaning ]
- Mistress.
- It is time.
[ Gasps ]
KuII ?
KuII !
- ImpossibIe !
- No. Stop him ! KiII him !
Or suffer my wrath !
Sacred fIame,
protect us from the coId !
Hurry, Mistress.
Cause be the carrier.
The Topaz Throne
is mine, witch !
I take what is my due,
and now I give you yours.
[ Shrieking ]
[ Screaming, Gasping ]
- The fIame does not die.
- No !
The fIame does not die !
[ CackIing ]
No, VaIka.
She must not die.
She must not die !
You're stiII a barbarian, KuII.
[ Groaning ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Demonic Voice
Кулл-завоеватель Кулл-завоеватель

Читайте также:
- текст Ох уж эта наука! на английском
- текст Каменный цветок на английском
- текст Неуловимые мстители на английском
- текст Танец-вспышка на английском
- текст Машенька на английском

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