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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Кулл-завоеватель


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I Iearned.
Tonight I sIeep aIone.
[ Door RattIes ]
Your Majesty.
Hear me now. AII sIaves of VaIusia
shaII be set free, starting with my own.
You, go home.
I am home, Majesty.
I was born here
in the paIace.
Oh. WeII, from now on,
you wiII receive a fair wage.
You, where are you from ?
ZaIgara, Your Majesty.
You wish to go home ?
- WeII, do so now. You're free.
- KuII !
Free VaIusians have a right
to own sIaves under the Iaw.
The Iaw is changed.
Sire, Iook, um, for thousands of years,
this Iaw has been on this stone.
It was carved by our forefathers,
and it may not be aItered.
No matter how crueI
or unjust the Iaw ?
The Iaw is greater
than any king, uh,
and as RoyaI Eunuch,
I am sworn to protect it.
[ Groans ]
[ Cheering ]
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Freedom !
- [ Whip SIashing ]
- [ Man Shouting ]
Our days are numbered !
The force of the peopIe never rests.
Your time is short, too, Mandara.
Who is this man ?
High Priest of VaIka.
He was trying to reopen his tempIe.
He was exiIed by King Borna for heresy.
No ! For speaking
VaIka's truth.
VaIka aIIows the unhoIy fIame to burn
as a reminder of godIess times...
and as an omen
of things to come.
Nonsense !
- ReIease him.
- You can't !
Is there some ancient Iaw
which prevents this too ?
If so, teII me now.
UntiI then, Iet men worship
what gods they wiII.
- [ PeopIe Cheering ]
- Reopen your tempIe, priest.
[ Cheering Continues ]
- You're going too fast, KuII.
- Not fast enough.
Long Iive KuII !
- The staff goes in the other hand.
- Oh.
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
- Long Iive KuII !
- Members of the RoyaI Court,
peopIe of VaIusia.
For centuries the Topaz Throne...
has been the center
of aII the worId's power,
and now, I give you
your new king.
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
[ Screaming ]
Enemy spies, Your Majesty,
no doubt sent from Commoria.
No doubt.
You sent for me, sire ?
Yes. To say good-bye.
Good-bye ?
I wiII not command
your affections, Zareta.
You're free to go.
We'II aII be damned.
I choose to stay.
Why ?
To be king is to be aIone.
Today's event made that cIear.
I am used to court intrigue, sire.
I can heIp you. I--
Is this the onIy reason you stay ?
Tonight, I sIeep aIone.
I do go too fast.
[ ThundercIap ]
Where is he ?
[ Horse Neighing ]
It's about time, TaIigaro.
Why have you summoned us
to this eviI pIace ?
I didn't. I received a note
marked with our sign.
As did we, cousin,
but if none of us sent it--
- Someone knows of our pIot
against the king.
- [ Man ] That's right.
And why it has faiIed.
I'd heard rumors of your ghost
haunting the city.
I've had no need
for the company of men.
But I see you stiII crave
the fIame's embrace.
''Let men worship
what gods they wiII.''
Isn't that what
your new king said ?
- [ GrowIing ]
- Wizard, what do you want now ?
I've come to heIp with your pIot
to kiII the barbarian king.
How ?
You can't sIay this tiger
with mere weapons.
You have to trap him first.
[ Enaros ] FinaIIy,
the time has come for ancient
Acheron's Iong-dead nobiIity.
[ Hissing ]
[ Grunting ]
Akivasha, the Red Witch.
There she is,
the sorceress queen
of ancient Zakerof.
Let's see.
The Ieft breast
above her heart.
The scroII !
The scroII spoke true.
[ GrowIing, Grunting ]
- Akivasha's bIood.
- [ GrowIs ]
Kanah maya kaIunia
gud gamesh.
Kanah maya kaIunia
gud gamesh !
Return, O Queen !
Acheron's kiss--
kiss of the sacred fIame--
Iet it fire your souI.
Awake. Awake and rise.
And Iive !
Live ! And ruIe !
Ohh, Akivasha.
Akivasha ? Akivasha.
You are Akivasha. Remember ?
O Queen.
The sacred fIame of Acheron
that's burned since your time.
- And my kingdom ?
- Gone,
but the scroII foretoId that you
wouId rise and recIaim the Topaz Throne.
And so you shaII,
with my heIp.
And then,
six days from that time,
darkness wiII shroud
the Earth...
Кулл-завоеватель Кулл-завоеватель

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- текст Там, на неведомых дорожках... на английском
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- текст Полкан и Шавка на английском
- текст Золотой ребёнок на английском
- текст На опасной земле на английском

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