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trying to protect
the balance of the entire universe.
My mom won't chuck a fit,
then if we took it.
Can I help you?
- I'm looking for Vegas Vinnie.
- There's no Vegas Vinnie here.
- He owns the place.
- I'm sorry, I can't help you.
- Do you know Vegas Vinnie?
- No, sorry.
Vegas Vinnie?
Do you know Vegas Vinnie?
Vegas Vinnie is a story
based on a real guy, this doc I met
when I first went across 50 years ago.
Cool World's real? Neat!
He and I mapped out the tunnel,
the passageway between both worlds.
And we saw how easily one could disrupt
that balance and destroy both universes.
Destroy the universe?
Get out.
When you have some money, we'd love
to see you. Until then, keep out.
- Pretty looking sign, huh, miss?
- Yeah. That spike in the centre.
It's real bright.
You sound kind of down, miss.
Had bad luck at the tables?
Let's just say it ain't been my day.
Oh, well, don't worry.
Good Lord,
I never thought I'd see it happen.
What you're looking for,
you can't find around here.
- You better go.
- How do you know what I'm looking for?
You do know what I am, don't you?
You know where I'm from.
Oh, my goodness!
Old man, I'm not leaving until I find out
how you know so much.
Talk. You're not telling me
everything you know.
You're a doodle!
In Cool World, they knew me as
Whiskers. Doctor Vincent Whiskers.
- Didn't you touch the Spike?
- Sure I touched it. But I couldn't hold it.
- No one can.
- So it is up there!
It is real
and it's gonna make me real.
Sure it's up there,
but it's not gonna do you any good.
You weren't man enough to hold onto it.
I need the force in that spike.
And I'm going up there.
That power doesn't belong to you.
I don't care. I want it. I don't care.
- Stop. Cease. Desist.
- I mean it.
Make it easy on yourself!
- There she is.
- She looks pretty.
Come on, you little troublemaker.
Nobody's going to stop me now.
Harris, help me.
You've gotta stop that girl.
If she moves it,
it could be the end of everything.
- Doc?
- Wait, wait. Jack, wait.
- I need you to take care of my friend.
- I've got to stop her.
- Wait, Jack. I'm not going to hurt her.
- Let me go.
Help him.
Crazy doodle bitch!
Hello, Holli. Guess what?
You're through.
You know, sweetheart,
you look good in the flesh.
It's almost a shame I gotta take
you back. You are going back.
- You're squeezing my head.
- There. As good as new.
Where are you going? It's over.
You're gonna jump? Just get down!
For Christ's sake.
You got ink for brains? Get down!
Don't piss me off, Would.
You go on that roof, you screw us all.
I'm not messing around.
There's nothing up there.
Let's go home and fix this mess.
Get down.
- Don't... Harris?
- What?
Harris, help me.
Help me.
- Harris, help me.
- Hold on.
I should do the world a favour
and let you fall.
Easy. Easy does it. Good.
Now, hold on.
Here we go. We're going home.
All right, careful. Come on.
Oh, my God.
Jack, this is your chance
to make it right. It's up to you now.
OK. OK. This time
I'm gonna do something right.
He's going to kill himself.
He's fulfilling his destiny.
He's becoming a hero.
Oh, please!
The Spike!
It's up to me to return the Spike!
Got it!
The pain is unbearable.
Hit me.
The world has only one chance left.
It's up to me to return the Spike
and plug the hole.
- Ha, you fiends!
- Not so fast.
Trying to stop me.
Oh, I hate being bottled up like that.
Oh, man, boss, hold on! Hold on!
Feel the air, Jack. We're staying.
I like it here, Jack.
Come here. Give me the Spike, Jack.
You love me, don't you, Jack?
Yes, I do.
Well, then, help me.
Give it to me, Jack.
OK, honey-poo.
- Goody, goody, goody.
- Pencil dicks.
Aha! A trick.
On second thoughts, I must do
what is right and return the Spike.
He's gone.
He's gone.
Dead? I don't know for sure,
but I don't think so.
Maybe the Spike protected them.
Its power is beyond our
Крутой мир Крутой мир

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